Electronics Forum: resin solder (Page 1 of 16)

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 03:14:39 EDT 2002 | lloyd

Thanks for the replys'. So are you saying that SMD adhesive contains a flux agent?, because at this point in the process the boards have no solder on them at all, it's all done at a solder bath after the chips have been bonded.

oven resin from adhesives

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 11:41:02 EDT 2002 | lloyd

uuumm, we have four lines in this particular part of the factory all used for curing glue only. our other reflow lines are in another section of the factory with seperate ducts. These lines are however next door to the solder baths.....I will have to

Re:Diff. Epoxy resin (ER) conformal coating Vs ER adhesive bonding matrl

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 04 14:46:46 EDT 2000 | Kal. Chak.

Hi folks, What are the differences between Epoxy resin(ER)conformal coating and adhesive stacking/bonding material? My PSA/PRA (Post solder/reflow assembly)bracket assembly process got some ER adhesive encroachment on pads/solderjoints. I have chec

Re: solder land analisys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 15:55:41 EDT 1999 | nards penalosa

| | We have been encountering diminishing ball shear readings these past few weeks, despite the fact that we did not change any ball shear tester parameter. Our reflow parameters are also within spec limits. ( 210-220 deg C max temp. and 40-60 sec d

Re: solder land analisys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 12:26:56 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| We have been encountering diminishing ball shear readings these past few weeks, despite the fact that we did not change any ball shear tester parameter. Our reflow parameters are also within spec limits. ( 210-220 deg C max temp. and 40-60 sec dwe

Re: solder land analisys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 19:05:58 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | We have been encountering diminishing ball shear readings these past few weeks, despite the fact that we did not change any ball shear tester parameter. Our reflow parameters are also within spec limits. ( 210-220 deg C max temp. and 40-60 sec

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 18:03:28 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have | | TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and | | cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tide marks etc. Other solde

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 16:01:12 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have | | | | | | TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and | | | | | | cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tid

Re: white dirty solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 23:46:38 EST 1998 | Scott

| I have a problem! The solder on my pc boards look great comeing out | of my reflow oven. They go thrue the rest of the prossese | and at the end at the qc station it's cold or whitish or gray not shiny. | does any one have a idea on how to correct

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 07:28:49 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have | | | TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and | | | cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tide marks etc. Other

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