Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 22 16:07:31 EDT 1998 | Manuel Cornejo
| | Require a conductive adhesive - either isotropic or anisotrpic - which can be used for 100micron oitch devices. | | Must be resistant to solvents such as MEK and acetone. | | Cure below 150C, with possible potential for rework of the conections.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 08:44:52 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| | | Require a conductive adhesive - either isotropic or anisotrpic - which can be used for 100micron oitch devices. | | | Must be resistant to solvents such as MEK and acetone. | | | Cure below 150C, with possible potential for rework of the conec
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 13:12:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis
You may care to review the following from my Circuits Assembly page on line. "HOW FLAT IS FLAT AND DO WE NEED FLAT CIRCUIT BOARD, YES WE DO ? As production problems go there is one that keeps reoccurring time and time again. The blame is usually di
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