Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 14:51:05 EST 2006 | j keller
we have a new ersa ews500 wave machine and are experiencing difficulty in profiling for lead free. particular issue is reaching 110c preheat for large TH electrolitic caps while maintaining 110-170c on 1/4 watt resistors in same area
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 16:56:15 EST 2006 | russ
So are you saying that you cannot reach 110C at 1 location without raising another location to excessive preheat temp? If so, sometimes slowing down the conveyor and dropping the preheat temps will help you get equal temps. I do not know this machi
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 19 16:37:06 EST 2006 | finepitch
Hi RJK, 2.5 years ago, I pointed out the exact same thing you did now. (please see the below link) http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=7076Message28261 I am a competing brand's rep for 3 years, but p
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 13:43:48 EST 2006 | RJ K.
Can anyone tell me an approximate cost of the PDR 410 and/or ERSA IR rework station? Is the main advantage of using these systems over a hot air machine in that nozzles are not needed?
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 13 10:55:10 EST 2006 | dougs
We have the X410 machine here, checked out the ERSA, both came in around the same price but we liked the X410 better as the control software is excellent.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 16:18:24 EDT 2001 | caldon
I am not familiar with the ERSA system you talk about but wanted to let you know there is another company call PDR that also uses IR and no nozzles. the machine is pretty slick and easy to use and set up. We have found no adverse affects to the IR he
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 11:30:58 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Hiya, | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | Cheers | | | Hey Jack: Let's not get lost. The issue is money versus process control. How much do y
Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 10:31:03 EDT 2002 | robbied
Hi Yannick. This is an issue that we are just recently getting into but here is some ifo that I have gathered so far. I have seen/ used 2 different rework machines. The one we have bought is a 'PACE TF2000' which was at the lower cost end of the mar
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 20 17:20:56 EDT 2010 | davef
You should check the optical alignment and thermal calibration of the BGA rework station periodically [every six months]. Likely, the equipment supplier gives recommendations on this calibration effort, maybe in the manual.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 03:19:43 EDT 2010 | cunningham
What do other people use to ensure that the BGA machine is within spec ie beform a weekly check and record on SPC charts? We want to start recording this can a plate or some kind of surveyor be used on the machine ?