Electronics Forum: rework repair distributor (Page 1 of 36)

Lead-Free alloy determination in repair / rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 11:50:55 EST 2011 | pgoodyear

As a technician that does frequent board level repair / rework some issues have come to mind. I have been an electronics technician for almost 50 years. In that time I have seen the evolution of electronics from point to point wiring using vacuum

repair SRT Sierra 1000

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 10:39:59 EDT 2006 | thomas

Anyone have information, who or company repair SRT Sierra 1000 BGA rework station.

repair the BGA/CSP device

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 19:49:32 EDT 2001 | nifhail

What would be the best method for attaching the balls, when doing BGA rework. I Found that by using the solder paste, it will give us better rework yield vs using the paste flux ? My data was collected from a very small experiment and hard to conclud

Lead-Free SMD repair

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 23:21:18 EDT 2005 | magkel

HI guys, I am new to this forum, Earlier author is asking regarding of Lead free rework. 63-37 is non lead free and this will contaminate the product itself. I do not know what are the components that you are facing to rework with. But try to set th

Re: Solder Mask repair

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 19:44:20 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: Well, your customer probably has a good reason for wanting you to send them boards without holes in the solder mask. What is their goal for the mask capabilities after you get do reworking the boards? * Cosmetic surface coat? * Performance t

repair the BGA/CSP device

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 08:25:03 EDT 2001 | caldon

You will need to prepare the component and site for rework. Using solder wick remove the solder from the pad site and the component balls. You can also use a heated Vacuum desoldering tool. To reball we have been using Winslow Automation reballing ki

Lead-Free SMD repair

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 30 10:37:25 EDT 2005 | Daniel

I think he did mentioned the board size in the inital thread: "265mm x 207mm pcb", but maybe it was not clear written. I have a question about rework and pre-heat: is it necessary to have the pre-heater to cover the whole board size, even if you onl

repair the BGA/CSP device

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 13 18:16:31 EDT 2001 | fmonette

Be very careful how you perform the removal process if you want to re-use BGA/CSP devices. As you are aware, the majority of these components are classified as moisture-sensitive by the manufacturer. This means that if they absorb too much moisture

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 03:47:12 EDT 2005 | fastek

I'm confused. Aren't Fuji nozzles like $20 each? Why bother? I would hope you understand that a nozzle not properly repaired could cause $50 worth of rework in about a minute after you installed it. Stepping over dimes to pick up pennies comes to min

Lead-Free SMD repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 06:57:47 EDT 2005 | steve

I always have a difficult time with seeing people using two different manufacturers products. Here your printing with Senju and hand soldering with Kester. So if theres a problem you have to look at two different products, contact two different compa

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