Electronics Forum: rf800 (Page 1 of 1)

RF 800 Flux ( cookson brand) - Flux acid calculation and restoration of acid value from 17 to 19

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 12:03:24 EDT 2017 | rameshraja

Hi, I need the RF 800 Flux Acid titration procedure and also require EPT of the same to add thinner ( RF 800 additive), i.e we are using the flux rf 800 for our wave soldering process having foam fluxer , after 2 hours we are taking sample from the

Solder balls - Pb wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 08:03:54 EDT 2004 | Rafal M.

We used fluxes: Cobar 94-QMB (no bismuth), RF800, Cobar94RXZ-M, with foam and spray fluxers: MBO clean alloy SN63PB37.experienced with changing preheatting, speed of covoyer single and double wave., we tried every combination. I think the problem is

Re: Residue

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 16:35:53 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens

| | We recently made the switch to no-clean and the wurface mount is turning out beautifully. However, the wave solder process continues to put up a fight; we are getting a white residue on the surface of the PCB. The residue is not localized

Re: Residue

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 09:56:39 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| | | We recently made the switch to no-clean and the wurface mount is turning out beautifully. However, the wave solder process continues to put up a fight; we are getting a white residue on the surface of the PCB. The residue is not localize

Re: Residue/Measuring Flux

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 15:09:30 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| | | | We recently made the switch to no-clean and the wurface mount is turning out beautifully. However, the wave solder process continues to put up a fight; we are getting a white residue on the surface of the PCB. The residue is not locali

Re: Residue/Measuring Flux

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 15:54:09 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| | | | | We recently made the switch to no-clean and the wurface mount is turning out beautifully. However, the wave solder process continues to put up a fight; we are getting a white residue on the surface of the PCB. The residue is not loca


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