Electronics Forum: rheometric pump print head (Page 1 of 4)

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 13:38:22 EDT 2008 | pjc

Solderpaste types have a big effect on print performance. Go to this link to see if the solderpaste you are using has been tested, see "Rheometric Pump Paste Tests" under MPM: http://www.speedlinetech.com/news_publications/application-notes.aspx?OnI

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 04:25:14 EDT 2008 | muarty

One thing that has to be considered when using rheometric pumps is that the board support should match as that of the pump head being used. You can print 6" boards, but you should really still use board supports upto 16". As mentioned previously if t

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 09:03:52 EDT 2008 | bing007

I have been confronted with a MPM with a rheometric pump head on and have not had much to do with these. It is giving varying results on the down line paste AOI and is not responding very much to changes in pressure, speed etc. It is a 16inch pump, w

Rheometric Pump - Yes or No???

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 27 14:15:23 EDT 2005 | Bob R.

We have a couple sites (out of over 150 lines) that use them. The site that picked them stands by them through thick and thin. Any time they have problems they blame it on the paste, even though paste from the same lot will be running great next do

solder paste printing

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 10:11:02 EDT 2019 | cyber_wolf

“For a number of years now, work has been proceeding in order to bring perfection to the crudely conceived idea of a transmission that would not only supply inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detractors, but would also be capable of

Rheometric Pump Vs Proflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 21:57:27 EST 2003 | Dreamsniper

We are in the process of deciding which stencil printer will we acquire for our line and would like to identify which will provide us more benefit when it comes to enclosed print head. Can anyone give me some comparisons and problems or troubles that

Greneric Print Head

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 14:24:43 EST 2001 | Kris W

Hello all! I am writing this because my memory is failing (the organic memory). In a previous lifetime I remember seeing a brochure accompanied by a CD advertising a screen printer head similar to the Proflow and Rheometric pump, but made by a diff

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 07:23:24 EDT 2011 | scottp

My group supports a couple hundred lines all over the world. Most of them use squeegees but a few use either the MPM Rheometric pump heads or the DEK Proflow heads. I absolutely hate the enclosed heads. Flux separation, compaction, and the print q

Rheometric Pump Vs Proflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 26 09:00:28 EST 2003 | swagner

I work for a company that uses both print heads, from all of the testing i've seen and participated in both seem to work well when you have a compatible paste. Focus more on the features you want on the printer, applications support and focus primar

Rheometric Pump Vs Proflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 27 11:11:00 EST 2003 | blnorman

We've evaluated the Rheopump. Problems we've found are 1) cycle time differences between forward and backward print (evidently the pump charges pressure on one and not the other), 2) excessive amounts of paste left in the tubes (roughly 60 grams we

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