Electronics Forum: right to left (Page 1 of 63)

Changing a DEK 265 Horizon to right to left

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 16:46:38 EDT 2019 | rob1

I'm working on A DEK 265 Horizon and I need to convert it to right to left. I have changed the conveyor direction in software, however, the board stop position appears to be from 0 to 255 and I need it stop on the left hand side of the centre referen

Changing a DEK 265 Horizon to right to left

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 15:58:53 EDT 2019 | rob1

I have entered a value for the "Right Feed Delay" and it resolved the issue. Thank you.

Changing a DEK 265 Horizon to right to left

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 09:03:44 EDT 2019 | dekhead

It uses the same BS position regardless of feed direction. In right feed, it passes Board under the camera and when (board @ stop) sensor detects board has passed, drops the BS and reverses conveyor direction. There is "Right Feed Delay" parameter to

Changing a DEK 265 Horizon to right to left

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 16:15:14 EDT 2019 | dekhead

If a few extra seconds of cycle time won't hurt you, recommend putting at max (3.0 sec) it will cycle all the way over to the Board @ Left sensor before extending BS and reversing. Otherwise play with the timing and requirement may vary from product

Yes, right here on SMTnet

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 10:18:04 EDT 1998 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet

| Is there a market place for used PCB-machinery and if so, | where? Click "PCBCE Mart" on the left menu. Let me know how you like or dislike the service. Cunli

Regarding the choosing of right Suface Finishing

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 05:25:11 EDT 2015 | anirudh_thabjul

thankyou for you answer dude. As you mentioned in your answer that immersion tin finishing gonna cause many problems. So, immersion Tin option is ruled out for my purpose. So, immersion Silver is the option left for my purpose But, I have checked f

Which is the right way to organise on AOI shapes & librarys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 04:16:41 EDT 2006 | villimar

I am the AOI control programmer on Orbotech Trion 2340 who deals with the component librarys, shapes, programming and tuning the AOI. Trion has quite good learning curves I had an idea make own shape for every PCB or gruop of very similar PCB's and o

Which is the right way to organise on AOI shapes & librarys

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 04:16:46 EDT 2006 | villimar

I am the AOI control programmer on Orbotech Trion 2340 who deals with the component librarys, shapes, programming and tuning the AOI. Trion has quite good learning curves I had an idea make own shape for every PCB or gruop of very similar PCB's and o

WTB: Panasonic HPDIIC(LL) -Left to Right Flow

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 15:04:09 EST 1998 | Bipin Napal

I am looking for a Pansonic Glue Dispenser HPDIIC(L) 2661C Must flow LEFT TO RIGHT with low hours. Contact Bipin Napal 416-385-0855 bipin@tekmart.com

PTF, how to feeder teach universal instruments

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 10:38:01 EST 2022 | poly

Cool, I do exactly that, I teach the bottom left and top right corner as it says... though maybe I should try the other ways. It gives me a totally wrong value.

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