Electronics Forum: robotic process systems

Re: How to start a selective soldering process

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 11:33:55 EDT 1999 | Ted Kress

| | I'm planning to introduce selective point-to-point soldering for pwb. This is due to various needs: PIHs assy on double IR, for example. I think the most suitable solution is a point-to-point soldering, 'cause we're still having small lot/many ty

Japan Unix Destop Soldering Robot

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 18:00:35 EST 2015 | hegemon

We have this Robot. We have the large table model from Fancort. We have incorporated the machine into a process where it finishes up the through hole soldering that the selective soldering machine cannot reach effectively. About 2200 joints done wit

Japan Unix Destop Soldering Robot

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 18:01:02 EST 2015 | hegemon

We have this Robot. We have the large table model from Fancort. We have incorporated the machine into a process where it finishes up the through hole soldering that the selective soldering machine cannot reach effectively. About 2200 joints done wit

Faster Reflow?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 20:00:26 EDT 2021 | glasscake

How are you specifically reflowing the boards now? You say convective reflow is not repeatable/suitable for a robot(which I'm not sure is true but I do not know what you mean by for a robot) but you also say that you are using "the fastest hot air

Solder paste dispensers question

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 20:18:45 EDT 2007 | hegemon

For what it is worth, we are purchasing a dispensing system including a Robotic Arm, Positive Displacement Valve (as opposed to volumetric displacement) and Controller. We have purchased this unit for doing lead free 20 mil dots at 30 mil pitch in s

Where to find steam aging equipment?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 20:35:38 EST 2001 | davef

Ah, that was the time. Those locomotives chugging down the tracks with a plume of steam and coal dust rising above and dissipating down the track towards the end of the train. "Driving that Train, High on. . ." [http://www.thespoon.com/trainhop/song

Re: Dicing Operation

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 28 19:45:33 EST 1998 | Ron Gilman

I will try to answer some of your questions. My name is Ron Gilman and I am President of Chipscale Robotics here in Fremont California. We manufacture Die Pick & Place equipment and would be happy to send you brochures. Please email me with your a

ultra low cost pick and place?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 19:48:47 EDT 2010 | bootstrap

I like what you're doing. 20 years ago anyone, hobbyists and tiny garage-shop companies could create electronics devices just as sophisticated and cool as big corporations. Today, SMT has largely trashed the creativity (and competition) that existe

Re: SPC on stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 20:44:42 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

Hello Sanjay! The cheap deal I use that Earl spoke of is called a SMarT Measure. It's a depth measuring microscope that uses the same principle of measuring optical focus that the units from Vision Engineering do ( if you've ever looked at any


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