Electronics Forum: rockwell (Page 1 of 2)

Universal/Sanyo. Tape feeders

Electronics Forum | Sat May 20 03:02:16 EDT 2000 | Dane Stokes

I'm looking for information on anyone who specializes in the rebuilding or refurbishing of Sanyo feeders used on the Universal 4790-4791 model HSP machines. Please E-mail information to dstokes@ra.rockwell.com


Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 16:00:22 EST 1999 | Jeff Kennedy

Anyone have information on the ROSA Technique? It is a derivative of the SERA analysis for solder-ability on pads, (they are not italian sisters)I belive the techniques were developed by Rockwell and Motorola. thanks in advance. JKK

What are the possible causes why BGA would dislodge from the PCB

Electronics Forum | Sat May 05 08:00:54 EDT 2007 | davef

Continuing with CF's point on mixed alloy processing of BGA, look here: http://www.aciusa.org/leadfree/LFS_SUMMIT-PDF/09_HILLMAN_Rockwell_Collins_BGA.pdf

solder paste alloy effect on high frequency board

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 19:43:09 EST 2007 | davef

"Effects of surface finish on high frequency signal loss using various substrate materials" - Call Don Cullen at Mac Dermid or Larry Gatewood at Rockwell Collins for a copy.

Pb-Free BGA on SnPb Assemblies

Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 15:19:54 EDT 2008 | guyramsey

Did any of you guys read the article from Rockwell Collins? http://www.smtnet.com/library/files/upload/The_impact_of_reflowing_a_pbfree_solder_alloy.pdf

BGA solderability / moisture

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 11 20:07:46 EST 2002 | caldon

Stephano- There is a Chemical process to revert the contamination back to its original form. The EMPF Developed it back a few years ago in conjunction with Rockwell and some others. Please contact ACI at 610-362-1200 and ask for Dr. Greg Parks. This

Question about Universial GDM

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 23 07:38:27 EDT 2002 | jeremyt

Hi there. I Have a question that hopfully someone on here can answer for me. On a Universial GDM, is there anyway to get all 4 pumps (pistion style) to purge at the same time. The software only allows for one pump at a time. The reason i am trying to

SAC BGA in Pb Process

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 11:48:43 EDT 2010 | davef

SAC BGA In A Sn/Pb Reflow Process Conclusion: Area array components (ball grid arrays, chip scale packages, flip chip packages) with Pbfree solder sphere alloys should not be reflowed using a tin/lead reflow profile due to the resulting non-uniform s

BGA underfill necessary with conformal coat?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 21:20:30 EST 2002 | davef

There is two major BGA coating camps. * Camp #1: "We require the coating to be under low stand-off devices but with no filleting. So we apply a thinned dip coat first, and then top-off with a proper spray coat" * Camp #2: "We want no coating under th

Re: power dissipation design

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 05 22:31:51 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Robert: Out of curiosity, by "BT" do you mean: � Bismaleimide triazine, the stuff used to increase the tg of resins used in some BGA interposers. � British Telecommunications plc, the guys with bad teeth. � BrookTree, the RAMDAC supplier, that�s par

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