Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 07:59:47 EDT 2006 | davef
We're guessing you are not the RoHS police. On one hand, your customer knows their business better than you do. On the other hand, getting all the issues with RoHS correct is complicated. So, maybe this was an oversight. Consider telling your cus
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 31 12:33:14 EDT 2013 | pbarton
You should have no difficulty with QFN or QFP parts when using non-RoHS solder. The QFP's are most likely to have tin plated leads and the metallisation on the QFN lands the same, or ENIG. Check the component part datasheets to verify the plating an
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 12:04:29 EDT 2022 | kumarb
Hi. Alpha metals recently informed us of: Alpha OM-565 low temp solder which they note is popular with pin-in-paste process of through hole parts so that we can solder inside of our SMT oven (1809EXL). We commonly use ROHS DSUB connectors (9 to 78
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 16:31:41 EST 2015 | jacklucas
In switching to lead free processing, we find ourselves having over 400 PCB part numbers with Sn63 HASL finish. And there is no hope of quickly purging inventory and getting our drawings changed to call out a lead free finish. I want to avoid having
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 10:16:07 EDT 2006 | markb
SWAG, The reason that our suppliers are focusing on moisture is that vapor pressue increases exponentially with temperature. So the higher temp processing of RoHS boards causes a significant increase of vapor pressure, which may cause delamination
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 31 12:37:37 EDT 2013 | pbarton
You should have no difficulty with QFN or QFP parts when using non-RoHS solder. The QFP's are most likely to have tin plated leads and the metallisation on the QFN lands the same, or ENIG. Check the component part datasheets to verify the plating an
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 15:53:07 EDT 2005 | GS
Hi Ted, look at this tread: Lead-free solder alloy: SN100C from AIM solder then see note of Bob Gilbert (from FCT Assembly) you can have from him very interesting documentation CD about HASL made by SN100C alloy Regards GS
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 15 18:15:34 EDT 2006 | nickel
If you have time, download the free Practical Guide to Understanding the Scope of the WEEE and RoHS, you will find what they say about UPS. They consider UPS out from the field of application of RoHS. ORGALIME (Bruxelles)is the European Engineering
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 09:33:25 EST 2005 | davef
RoHS Substance||RoHS MCV Limits||Typical Testing Approaches Lead||1000 ppm* ||Wet chemical digestion followed by ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) or AAS (atomic absorption) spectroscopy ||||XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectroscopy Cadmium||100 ppm ||Wet
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 11:38:15 EDT 2006 | Rob
Hi Dougs, I think I'm going to have to admit to some insider knowledge here. It kind of gave it away when you mentioned there were only catalogue pages instead of specs. http://www.anglia.com/product_search/part_tracker/index.asp I think you may