Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 12:04:42 EDT 2017 | davejohnson
Hopefully not too late of a reply... We currently have both, the Ersa ETS 330 (running LEAD solder) and Seho GoWave 1030 (RoHS solder). Bought the Ersa used, and it seems like a strong built industrial high volume machine. We've needed to modify it a
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 13:49:56 EDT 2005 | russ
Been loading lead free (steel, bismuth) for a couple of yrs. now. Our Wildlife division went ROHS on the waterfowl hunting some time ago. So now we just wound geese and ducks and let them die somewhere that they are of no use except coyote food!
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 11:19:46 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
Yeah, adopting is the right word. In this new lead-free era spec.'s are made to stay within the scoop of the RoHS directive. The driving force for spec.'s should be reliability. Did you see any impurity level spec.'s yet in wave soldering for Cu, Au,
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 13:12:30 EDT 2005 | Mika
Thanks Patrick, I our mixed standard HASL/RoHS production area; our customer have choosen Ni/Au plating for their RoHS boards. What You are saying (3.); is that we should be more attentive on the quality of the pcb manufactory. Even if our customer
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 17:54:15 EDT 2005 | Mika
Thanks Patrick for the replay, No, we do not mix the alloys nor Pb pcb:s/RoHS pcb:s in the case I described. It is simply as this: With both the different soldering processes we facing this phenomenon; but whith the RoHS SN100 or SAC305 it turns out
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 20:17:25 EST 2022 | stephendo
What exactly counts as "always on"? Our ROHS wave solder machine is always on during the week but the pot shuts off at the end of the shift and turns on early in the morning so that the solder is melted before we get to work. It is only using a small
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 21 09:55:08 EST 2005 | aj
Guys, Any info. on the impact of running leaded components through a Leadfree Wave. We only have one wave machine but I have to have rohs compliance on a large build by end of january for one customer. So after this build I will be running non-rohs
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 03:24:11 EDT 2009 | fiona_j
Hello, I have been recently bringing a new RoHS wave soldering machine into production. Unfortunately, I am finding many of the boards are experiencing blow holes. It is always silver plated PCBs and I believe it is related to moisture ingress. I n
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 16:40:23 EST 2007 | mika
One of our customers that always was going for Ni/Au surface finish on RoHS PCB and our processs was adjusted for that, "whithout any problem". Recently they decided to switch to another surface finsh: PbFree HASL. What is that? Imersion tin/silver?
Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 13:38:02 EDT 2012 | wavemasterlarry
Listen, I remeber a thread hear where a potato was used to some how help eliminate dross or help with the ROhS. Its been a while since they had me back on wave, but I am back now.