Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 09:43:24 EDT 2007 | patrickbruneel
In addition to Dave�s response: RO fluxes are based on natural pine (tree) rosin. RE fluxes are based on synthetic or modified rosins called resin. Below a couple of advantages resin can have compared to rosin: � Better thermal stability. � Resin
Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 13:37:11 EDT 2007 | wavemasterlarry
LOL... you need a break dave! MACGBWL!
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 09:15:07 EDT 2011 | blnorman
Have used IC for years, but I'm not familiar with that, ROSE maybe. Its a stretch, but maybe R/O/I would be rosin/resin, organic, or inorganic for the type flux being used?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 13:15:55 EST 2017 | emeto
Both Alcohol and Water based should work. I will try to stay away from Rosin/Resin because of the residue - issues in ICT.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 15:11:14 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
I assume you talk about wave soldering. No-clean fluxes are widely used since 1987 or earlier and after all these years they have proven to be reliable. If you clean the board or not the dust bunnies etc. will still reach the board surface. If you us
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 10:57:28 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel
In addition to Dave�s comments RE: Stands for RESIN (purified or modified rosin) No resin can be cleaned with pure DI water (requires saponification). L0: Stand for halide free activation which can safely be left on the boards. To my knowledge all
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 08:29:41 EDT 2007 | patrickbruneel
OR: Stands for organic (organic acid based flux) with the absence of rosin and/or resin. If you want to know everything about the classification of fluxes get the J-STD-004 �Requirements for Soldering Fluxes� at following link: http://webvision.ipc
Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 17:06:39 EDT 2007 | gsala
Are there significant diffrences in terms of soldering (wire for manual solder) performance by using RO vs RE fluxes? Wich are the main differences between the two fluxes? Thank you Regards.....GSx
Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 08:25:56 EDT 2007 | davef
At the end of the day, you won't notice a difference, while soldering, but if you clean the flux residues.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 13:28:20 EDT 2019 | ameenullakhan
And what is the solder paste selection recommendation for the same. 1. Water soluble ( organic based flux solder based ) 2. No clean ( rosin or resin based solder paste ) customer is suggesting water soluble chemistry , which is having lot hot an