Electronics Forum: rotational (Page 1 of 57)

Dedicated or adjustable fixtures for Universal Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 18:30:32 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

insert the bug, ... let it rotate ... see how far off the bug's leads are from center, When the head rotates, it rotates about the center (long) lead of the bug. Therefore, the x/y position of that lead does not change as the head rotates. > ...

Placement on 180 degrees rotated Multi-Panel

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 07:05:28 EST 2017 | emeto

The real question is: Where is your rotation point?

dsp shiffting

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 13:53:39 EDT 2005 | jdengler

The board warp is a good place to look. Also: -Are you pre-rotating? -Are you using the largest nozzle possible? Most of the time this ends up being a component slip on the nozzle caused when the part is rotated if not doing pre-rotate, or slippa

CP43 Placing problem on PLCC28

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 14:26:52 EST 2004 | Kang

Double check if the part's rotation happened before camera or after (pre-rotation). Make sure no grease on rotation clutch.

Component Zero Orientations for CAD Libraries

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 16:18:48 EST 2008 | jlawson

Valors new Vplan NPI solution includes comprehensive rotation correction and virtual sticky tape to eliminate rotation errors in final SMT machine programs, you can learn a customers source CAD rotation info for use later again and again...regardles

Zevatech 740 RH Head - issues with rotation of component during laser recognition

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 17:50:18 EDT 2018 | sarason

Possibly a loose grub screw on one of the shafts controlling rotation or the sensor ot gray code wheel on the rotation servo motor. or even a small fault in the program eprom, Good luck sarason

Dedicated or adjustable fixtures for Universal Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:17:44 EDT 2007 | slthomas

"When the head rotates, it rotates about the center (long) lead of the bug. Therefore, the x/y position of that lead does not change as the head rotates." Heh-heh. You'd think so, wouldn't you? Have you observed this with a magnifying glass? What

SMT Component rotation problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 14:41:48 EST 2003 | jax

Cad rotation should not change with relation to how the part is presented to the machine. It should only depend on how the part is orientated on the PCB when the PCB is at 0 rotation. There is a seperate field to input part rotation inside a feeder.

Quad IIIc/IVc programming question

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 20:30:49 EDT 2005 | slthomas

I've got a new board (actually a new panel...a 4 up, with one row rotated, where it was a 2 up panel with no rotation before) that runs fine on the IVc but not on the IIIc. I've used the same reference points for the image rotation (fiducials) on bot

Vapour phase soldering - problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 01:00:13 EDT 2009 | sergey2007

Hi! Thanks to everyone! Josh, I don't think it could be something wrong with the mechanics, as just one component was rotated. Anyway, we will check the mechanical parts of the oven. LarryD, thank you for the advice. But what is the physics of the

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