Electronics Forum: royce de 35[0] (Page 1 of 1)

glue measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 17:56:35 EDT 2001 | seand

Hello all, My respone here is to add options for evaluation for the engineer. Not to convey that they are the only options as that would be reckless. Cyberoptics does have a standard line of machines configured for in line paste inspection. Some

Solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 06:13:35 EDT 2008 | cobar

Your problem is being caused by to much paste being printed.Reduce apeture size on stencil. http://www.shanelo.co.za/technical_paper_about_stencil_de.htm or http://www.shanelo.co.za/SMD%20Assist.htm

Dish Washer for BGA Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 01:41:35 EDT 2004 | Mike Konrad

Although water soluble (OA) flux is technically the easiest flux to remove, it is also the most damaging type of flux if not removed. A dishwasher lacks the pressure and nozzle design to produce the very small water particle size required for thorou

Why is NC the prefer process for BGA mounting? why not WS?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 05:39:35 EDT 2001 | mugen

For appetitizers, Cheers everyone for respective reply... For mains, everyone get this straight, we wanted technical ref to why NC is, the more common choice of BGA mounting, and not helluv bunch of wordy opinions..... Can someone pls ref some tech

Problem with less soldering material on the pins

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 03:50:35 EDT 2017 | cromaclear

To overcome the dewetting issues of the past, a number of techniques have been used such as alternating directions on the wetted nozzle; this helps to avoid the solder biasing to one side causing the other side to oxidize and de-wet. Another method o

De Haart printer expert

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 09:25:35 EST 2004 | jcdupree

Hi Patrick, I can easily troubleshoot ML, EL and SL 20 systems by phone or e-mail, but the MPC-29 is a bit more complex. The problem that you are describing was failry common, and there were a number of potential causes. First is to check if the dr


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 02:32:35 EDT 1998 | Frank J. de Klein

| Hi, | We have encountered one serious problem that heavy packages falling down during second side reflow, especially for PLCC 84. I believe it caused by temperature profile setting. | Any good suggestion would be highly appreciated! | Stoney Tsai *

Screen Printing with a Pallet.

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 21:41:35 EDT 2001 | mugen

A) Questions: 1) What sort of pallet materials used? 2) what PCB thickness & LxW size? 3) what stencil type & thickness used? 4) what profile type used (peak deg-C)? 5) any peak Deg-C contraints for the components SMT onto the PCB? B) We use pallet

be careful a cheat company-Sydeco Srl(Biagi Luigi)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 04:43:35 EST 2010 | japanusedsmt

Dear All, Please be careful of Sy.De.Co. SRL, Italy company, the boss is Luigi Biagi, the mobile is 00393483313341. The office tel is +39.0543-781069, Biagi's email is biagi@sydeco.it and info@sydeco.it. The company add is Via G.Ansaldo, 17/CI-471


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