Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 00:59:49 EDT 1998 | Erhard Hofmann
We have a Royonic 512 with Cut & Clinch unit but no documentation to the Cut & Clinch. Can anyone supply these or give us some ideas to try to get the Cut & Clinch unit do the same the light beam dos? Unfortunately Royonic in Germany says: You bought
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 12:46:58 EST 2008 | slthomas
You mean like Contact Systems? Other than that I'm sure there are some old Royonics machines still floating around.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 17:00:15 EST 2008 | slthomas
I haven't had the luxury of machine based pth assembly in quite a while, but when I did, given that the machines control which parts are inserted (and to a lesser degree where they are inserted) we decided not to perform inspection on that part of th
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