Electronics Forum: safe mode (Page 1 of 1)

Cookies ala mode

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 09:02:34 EST 1998 | Clifford Peaslee @ SMTnet

| While trying to access this web site you sent over 10 "cookies" A bit overdone, isn't it? | Maybe. But I dont think so. Cookies are essential for SMTnet's future plans as a dynamic web site with personalization. You can browse the site, and we

I-Pulse M1 - WinXP blank out the display while bootup

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 15:32:27 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice

Could be your graphics card driver is set to output a resolution/refresh rate not supported by either monitor you tried. In that case XPs "Safe Mode" should use safe defaults just like it is doing when you see the loading bar. Another option is someh

DEK Horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 06 22:08:09 EST 2008 | mac88

Hi, Try to upload the Windows NT in Safe Mode. Would look weird, but is fully functional. Then try to go the latest known workable configuration and load it. If this does not work try with the recovery disk that came with the machine. This will

Nvidia Issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 12:47:47 EST 2022 | bukas

1. disable driver update (system and regkeys) 2. reboot in safe mode 3. disconnect internet 4. uninstall any nvidia driver using IO Bit uninstaller 5. uninstall nvidia and intel drivers using DDU 6. reboot in normal mode 7. install intel driver from

I-Pulse M1 - WinXP blank out the display while bootup

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 20:50:51 EST 2020 | tueftler

Hi there. Thank you for your reply. I have tested the VGA signal with two different VGA to VGA & HDMI converters without success. Now i have connect my oscilloscope onto the signal. RGB,V and Hsync...no signal at all after WinXP boot cycle. If i

I-Pulse M1 - WinXP blank out the display while bootup

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 10:00:17 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice

That STOP error code does google. It would suggest an incomplete or corrupted windows installation. if safe mode doesn't work its very unlikely normal mode is. Sadly fixing XP issues is much harder than it is these days with Win10 which has repair fu

TableTop Convection Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 06 16:10:48 EST 2020 | dunks

We have the MC301N as well as the older T200N from manncorp and I have experience with the ebay T962A as well. Between the three, the T962A (with firmware upgrade) would be my choice. The T200N has a horrible software package, although a better pro

need help with Philips CSM84

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 20:15:41 EDT 2007 | darby

PCB > Origin > Origin 0 4 Teach the corner of the pcb at the mechanical stop. This data is from the machine origin. For a unit with a teach camera it will probably be around -25x, 95y. For a beam sensor around 70x, 28y. This is for a right to left

Fuji GL-V

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 17:10:06 EST 2022 | assuredtech

First off, Fuji machines aren't that simple i.e. changing the CPU could actually make matters worse. There are jumpers, DIP Switches and related data to consider before doing something like swapping cards. Swapping is a shotgun approach but sometimes

Re: Drying ICs any advice

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 17:31:04 EDT 1998 | Steve Abrahamson

| | | | We had some failures on an IC package that the manufacturer has put down to moisture inside the package, leading to popcorning. | | | | This seems a bit odd, the package is a PLCC 84 which is quite thick. I have only seen this problem on thin


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