Electronics Forum: safe or tri of-line (Page 1 of 1)

Re: To clean or not to Clean??

Electronics Forum | Mon May 31 15:09:56 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | | | | | | | I have always thought it to be a good practice to wash SMA's with water soluble paste (WS609) soon after reflow. Is there a time limit as to how long a board should sit after reflow before washing said board? For instance; processi

Re: To clean or not to Clean??

Electronics Forum | Mon May 31 15:10:14 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | | | | | | | I have always thought it to be a good practice to wash SMA's with water soluble paste (WS609) soon after reflow. Is there a time limit as to how long a board should sit after reflow before washing said board? For instance; processi

Have any paper or data talking about "BGA Stencil design guideline for avoid bridge"?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 04:19:59 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice

You have lost me, its a stencil, you can change the aperture size, you can change the thickness and you can change the walls of the aperture. And all of those things will be in the papers anyone can find with a google. I have no clue what safe air g


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