Electronics Forum: samsung control program (Page 1 of 51)

Samsung CP45 program password

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 03:48:57 EDT 2009 | geb

Hi, The machine is a Samsung CP45FV-Neo. Is there a way to set the level of control operators have over a program? We'd like to have a program which can't be changed, except by a technician. I can't see any way of doing this with the machine software

Samsung CP45 program password

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 28 19:48:33 EDT 2009 | lgroves

Hi, The machine is a Samsung CP45FV-Neo. Is > there a way to set the level of control operators > have over a program? We'd like to have a program > which can't be changed, except by a technician. I > can't see any way of doing this with the mach

samsung CP40CV installation software,

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 26 09:52:50 EST 2017 | robertorocco

Hi Muzzy. I have a problem with the software. It si possibile copy the software on the HD or is necessery install it? Do you have the original floppy for the installation Samsung program (ODBC, vme,ecc)?

Simplematic Shuttlegate Seiberco program

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 15:26:52 EDT 2011 | gregcr

Hi All, I have a couple Simplimatic Shuttlegates that I belive need the program reloaded. These use the old Seiberco motor controllers. I have a couple known good Seiberco controllers, but I belive they require a program to be loaded. If anyone k

Quality control in manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 12:58:16 EDT 2011 | emeto

Hello everyone, we are contract manufacturer and I am wondering if we can save some time from inspection and verification. We will usually inspect the bare boards, then, verify program to BOM, then feeders to BOM and Feeders to program,then paste ins

Quality control in manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 11:26:50 EDT 2011 | steffenr

Overkill for sure! Program to BOM: Shouldn't have to verify the program to the BOM once it's been verified unless there is a change. Feeder to BOM" There should be some type of instruction that specifies that part goes on what feeder and where the

Quality control in manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 09:20:04 EDT 2011 | emeto

Thank you dor your inputs! I was also thinking that once we verified the program to BOM and feeders, we shouldnt check to the BOM after palcement, but we should just AOI. Can you see any other weak points?

SMT control management software

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 06:57:13 EDT 2015 | jlawson

Valor MSS has options for NPI Data preparation and processing, SMT programming, documentation, verification, materials management, traceability, and QA management not just in SMT but into backend process aka manual assembly as well as production plan

samsung cp40cv handler error and vision error

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 09:49:43 EST 2019 | bobpan

This is going from my memory from a long time ago...but in the scp.ini file....there could be digital light control and/or a matrix tray handler setting. I would turn them off if they are on. I believe this has something to do with a system setting.

Samsung SMT cp45fv neo program user manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 16:06:59 EST 2011 | nick79

Hi Everyone, I'm new here,does anyone have the samsung smt cp45fv neo user manual ? I'm new,and working with it now,please help. Thanks in advance.

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