Electronics Forum: samsung cp 30 (Page 1 of 63)

samsung cp30

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 05:34:16 EST 2011 | jmw

Check in you system configuration that you dont have the opiton to use a matrix tray handler turned on. This is what i have seen cause this problem.

samsung cp30

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 31 12:26:29 EST 2010 | kvael

Has any one had this problem? Dynatech says it is the I/O Dpram board, sold me one that dosen't work. Bought a second Dpram from SMTBOX, still have the same original problem. During Dpram initialization error comes up "no command response from handl

Quad QSA 30 opinion wanted

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 15:04:09 EDT 2012 | kahrpr

The QSA30 is basically a Samsung CP40 with a few changes. For an older machine the programming is pretty good. it can do array boards and has an import feature for XY data. Tts been about 7 years since I ran one. Its a pretty solid machine.

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 12:04:56 EDT 2012 | btipcb

After fooling around with it, I was able to clear that error. I didn't know that I had to assign nozzels to each part, I though the feeder assignment would do that. I appreciate the reply.

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 12:36:43 EDT 2012 | bobpan

Once you optimize and you go into step program....the nozzles should be assigned to each placement. If it is not doing this....the optimizer is still not working the way that it should.

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 11:52:21 EDT 2012 | bobpan

Does it show the ANC in a position on the feeder base in the screen that has the nozzles/hole positions? When you go to optimize ...there is a screen that has something to do with registered ANC.....There could be something there that is incorrect. I

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 07 11:45:26 EDT 2012 | btipcb

I purchased and am setting up a used QSA30. It has been a little frustrating but I finally have an almost program. The isse is that I can not generate a placement program because it says that the ANC is not registered. I can look at it on the sy

samsung cp-45 and cp-60

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:03:37 EST 2016 | rfm2nd

would anyone possibly have the calibration jigs to be used in calibrating the cp-45 and/or the cp-60 machines from Samsung?

samsung cp-45 and cp-60

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:04:24 EST 2016 | rfm2nd

would anyone possibly have the calibration jigs to be used in calibrating the cp-45 and/or the cp-60 machines from Samsung?

samsung CP40CV installation software,

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 05:37:31 EST 2015 | luca2006

Hi could anyone helps me with advanced password for cp40cv

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