Electronics Forum: samsung cp40 laser quad align/cyberoptics laser (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung CP40 laser question

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 13:03:53 EDT 2020 | assuredtech

SMT Forum, Does anyone know if the Sanyo laser alignments can be replaced with the Cyberoptics brand? If so is it plug and play or does it require any software or machine configuration changes. Thanks in advance

YVL88 MKII laser Verification

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 24 19:43:37 EST 2017 | darby

Hi everyone, I've been out of it for a while after 27 years. Got made redundant in February. What can you do? I know - turn 60 and get cranky. That'll be the ticket. Anyway...... Trying to help someone out with a Yamaha YVL88MKII. I am very conversa

Solder bridges on TQFP 100 part

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 01:41:27 EDT 2019 | orbitcoms

Hi I am having trouble getting solder bridges on TQFP-100 (0.5mm pitch) components. The boards are pasted on semi-auto printer using laser-cut 0.12mm stencil and SN63 NC257-2 T4 paste. The components are placed using Samsung CP40LV and tghen reflow

Quad 1000, looking for opinion

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 13:04:15 EST 2005 | bobpan

Dave, The quad 1000 was a samsung machine with quads name on it......the software sucks and it is totally different from central controller. If you go for a machine....go for a 2c r 4c if you still want to use the same feeders. Chip shooter means 080

Quad 3c/4c Laser Align Settings

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 10:05:10 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Not familiar with 3C/4C but if the head is similar design to Samsung then you might consider flushing the tubes and airlines that go to the nozzles. We used to disconnect the airlines at the top and run cleaner down through the tubes. We would then

Samsung CP20CV

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 16:46:40 EDT 2023 | assuredtech

We have the following Samsung CP20 spare parts and feeders available, we also have CP40 - CP45 spare parts and feeders available - please inquire. 1.) Fine Suntronix MRK OR4-H Power Supply 24V 16 Amp Output 2.) Y Axis Service AmplifierSanyo Denki PY0


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