Electronics Forum: samsung cp40 quad aligner laser (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung CP40 laser question

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 13:03:53 EDT 2020 | assuredtech

SMT Forum, Does anyone know if the Sanyo laser alignments can be replaced with the Cyberoptics brand? If so is it plug and play or does it require any software or machine configuration changes. Thanks in advance

Quad 3c/4c Laser Align Settings

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 10:05:10 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Not familiar with 3C/4C but if the head is similar design to Samsung then you might consider flushing the tubes and airlines that go to the nozzles. We used to disconnect the airlines at the top and run cleaner down through the tubes. We would then


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