Electronics Forum: samsung cp45f nozzels (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung Placement Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 07:44:24 EDT 2003 | Peter VanHeusden

Shortlisted a Samsung machine CP45FV for purchase > for a medium speed application. Any feedback on > your impressions of Samsung machines in general > and also in terms of company, service, support, > software etc. that you would like to share w

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 12:04:56 EDT 2012 | btipcb

After fooling around with it, I was able to clear that error. I didn't know that I had to assign nozzels to each part, I though the feeder assignment would do that. I appreciate the reply.

Samsung Quad QSA 30

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 07 11:45:26 EDT 2012 | btipcb

I purchased and am setting up a used QSA30. It has been a little frustrating but I finally have an almost program. The isse is that I can not generate a placement program because it says that the ANC is not registered. I can look at it on the sy


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consignment program

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