Electronics Forum: samsung cp45fv neo board supports (Page 1 of 2)


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 10:33:46 EST 2013 | sarivong0914

Hello all, We have a Samsung CP45FV Neo, and I'm having problems with the operating software. I have a PCB with 2 different rev's. Rev. A boards was programmed to run Vertical. Then Rev.B boards are horizontal but was programmed to run vertical.

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 03:32:58 EST 2020 | bukas

hello guys, I got a problem with MAIN START switch on Samsung CP45FV NEO. The switch itself works, and it activates contactors #1-1 #1-2 and #3 but after pressing READY button there is en error msg reporting that MAIN START has not been pressed. Alre

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 30 02:09:50 EDT 2020 | bukas

Thank you for you reply yernie. This forum is about industrial electronics assembly machines and technologies and not about smartphones. btw, the problem was IF board if anyone was wondering.

Samsung CP45FV NEO controller SBC

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 10:38:10 EDT 2021 | bukas

I got Samsung CP45FV NEO with Cognex 1063200006110P single board computer. This machine had about 10 data corruption problems in past two years on both classic ATA and industrial ATA SSDs. I suspect there may be something wrong with Cognex card and t

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 06:39:29 EDT 2021 | bukas

Hi James, make sure you have healthy HDD and disk image. These machines are a bit prone to data corruption after all these years and it can often look like hardware problem. I had a problem with mirror axis that turned out to be corrupted data. Ther

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 20:34:44 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Could you explain what the IF board is? I am getting a 1002 ALARM occurred in MIR axis, i cannot figure out what its trying to tell me. I have never been able to make this machine work. Would you have any ideas? Thank you have a great day. I was r


Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 15:39:56 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Bukas, thanks for taking the time to respond. Drive is in good shape, everything seems OK. The first thing I did was make a copy of the drive. I should check all of the PCB's and make sure they are seated properly. The Samsung part of the assembl

Which is best to buy Samsung CP45FV Vs I-pulse M2

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 24 23:19:34 EDT 2014 | darby

I have 2 x CP45FV, 2 X CP45-Neo FV and 2 X Tenryu FV7100V (forerunner of M2. Personally, I think the machines are about equal although CP-45 are probably easier to operate and program. The i-Pulse are a bit more eccentric and programming and operatio

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 12:41:05 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Bukas, Thanks for getting back to me. What is the IF board? Is that the Interface Boards in the cage? How do I know if I have a healthy hard drive? Is there anything in particular to look for? I will run chkdsk today and see if it reports any

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 16:01:03 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Bukas, Do you have a CP45? I need some help: Ihave no board loaded, the machine is booted and homed. So to pick up a nozzle, I open the ANC window. Click on the nozzle I want, say 29 its a CN065 When I press pick, it asks, machine is not ho

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