Electronics Forum: samsung nozzle check error (Page 1 of 11)

samsung stf100s shuttle error fault

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 03:01:52 EDT 2017 | tsvetan

check if the top plate which is used for tray change is on it's place, also in manual mode you can see on Sig.IO page all sensors status and you can figure out which sensor is activated

s-2000 nozzle pick error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:39:02 EDT 2012 | wendynguyen234

Our S-2000 pick & place machine has head 2 not picking up any nozzle & displays error code 8342(nozzle check error). In ANC setting, head 1 pick/put ok but not head 2; when "MANUAL" box is checked, clicking PICK/PUT then both head 1 & 2's status disp

samsung cp40cv handler error and vision error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 02:03:51 EST 2019 | bukas

try first to replace SYS folder, or one by one of its files. if that doesnt work you are looking at complete disk backup. and check disk for bad sectors ofc

Component not at nozzle before placement-0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 10:39:38 EST 2007 | lloyd

Hi Mefunak, I'd say that the vacuum holding circuit is at fault. If the component is picked OK from the feeder ('vacuum check after pickup' is switched on) then the component is being dropped from the head as the gantry moves to the placement positi

Component not at nozzle before placement-0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 16:22:15 EST 2007 | mefunak

Thank you,LLOYD,for your response,all your prepositions will be checked. And about switching machine on and off, I absolutely agree with you, it's the perfect cure for Siemens))) But,a strange thing happened,we changed a head,that started to make the

Nozzle diameter error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 19:24:54 EST 2023 | linux

don't have nozzle data for this nozzle. checked with panasonic no data available

Panasonic NPM-W Nozzle error

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 16:03:08 EST 2018 | cbeneat

Wondering if anyone will have an idea on what we are experiencing with our Panasonic. When the machine goes to change nozzles,it errors out saying "Nozzle exist error(Rack) occurred,(R side)" There is nothing in the nozzle bank, actually replaced ban

Nozzle diameter error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 20:54:30 EST 2023 | cbeneat

When I see that on ours, I take the nozzle off and clean the tip. Any build up and the machine throws that error. Do a set check on the head and then look at the image of the nozzle in question...OR we hit resume and the machine ignores it until the

Samsung QSA error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 05:10:07 EDT 2015 | bobpan

Hello Simon, I would check to make sure the covers are closed and the cover switches are working. Make sure an e-stop is not pressed. After that....I would check the contactors in the rear of the machine. I have had the contacts on the insides of som

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 15:57:25 EDT 2011 | bobpan

If the feeders that you are having problems with have tall parts in them.....and these are the ones the machine is stopping on.....check to see that you are not scanning higher than what your function 30 nozzle height is. In other words...if your fun

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