Electronics Forum: samsung ready (Page 1 of 2)

Quad QSA-30A will not go ready

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 15:19:16 EDT 2020 | jmelson

I have a (new to me) Quad QSA-30A that I just got about a week ago. At first, I could get it to go ready most of the time, now it will never go ready. I have traced the ready button into the DPRAM board and the logic is OK all the way into one of t

someone has the software of the samsung cp-40 lv + I can not find it

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 14:42:34 EDT 2019 | protokos

Hi is the problem solved all ready? I have the cp40cv with CD. I'm looking for a manual to program it offline.

board schematics for Samsung CP30 to 33 / Quad QSA30

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 22 16:53:32 EDT 2020 | jmelson

I'm trying to diagnose a Quad QSA-30A machine that won't go ready. I have the machine technical drawings, they have overall machine schematics and cable wiring on most of the cables, but that's all. Does anyone have access to the schematics of the

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 03:32:58 EST 2020 | bukas

hello guys, I got a problem with MAIN START switch on Samsung CP45FV NEO. The switch itself works, and it activates contactors #1-1 #1-2 and #3 but after pressing READY button there is en error msg reporting that MAIN START has not been pressed. Alre

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 06:46:35 EDT 2021 | bukas

there is no, error $0022 in technical reference. is the error you are getting a EMER level? if so there is probably a safety sensor or switch that is causing this error. $0021 is related to door switch so I would go from there. do you have technical

board schematics for Samsung CP30 to 33 / Quad QSA30

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 15:00:08 EDT 2020 | jmelson

That's a rev 1 board, my machine has a rev 2. I have no idea if they are interchangeable. So, I bought a Rev 2 board from Korea. But, I'm flying pretty blind on this. I have traced the ready button signal to a microprocessor pin on the IO_DPRAM bo

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 21 11:13:28 EST 2005 | rlackey

Hi Rick, That is one theory and although valid is probably not something I'd go with. There are 2 ways of going for a new market - a) Carpet bomb it, by throwing huge resources into it and hoping to catch everything. b) Starting in one area/stat

Market share fo Panasonic, Fuji and Aseembleon

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 12:29:57 EST 2006 | fastek

It makes sense if you think about it. Siemens was a dead company ready to fold up their tents back in the 80's and early 90's. To their credit they stuck to their platform...got somewhat lucky and the market sort of came to them as the wave of users

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 12:41:05 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Bukas, Thanks for getting back to me. What is the IF board? Is that the Interface Boards in the cage? How do I know if I have a healthy hard drive? Is there anything in particular to look for? I will run chkdsk today and see if it reports any

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 12:50:14 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Bukas, Err 22 shows up on the Panasonic motor driver in the back. I purchased this machine used. I have never had it operating in my shop. I checked the output of the transformer, 110 V output is 97 220 is 197, so I checked my input its 200 (machi

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