Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 04:59:34 EDT 2018 | sophyluo1985
By the way, dear Karl, We have thousands of JUKI , YAMAHA, FUJI, PANASONIC, SIEMENS, SAMSUNG feeders in stock for sale. Once you need ,please let me know, ok? Have a nice day! Sophy GoldLand Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 88#, Nan Ling Road, Xin Qia
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 13:04:09 EDT 2004 | dorklover664
The company that I work for just bought two new Samsung pick and place machines (CP45FV). I love them. But we are having problems with the vibe stick feeders that we have. They have no groves or slots for the parts so if the tubs move at all the pla
Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 12:58:15 EDT 2013 | highmillr
We have 2-Samsung 431's followed by a 421 on our line..We run different revision boards with similar parts. Is there a way I can run one revision feeder set up.Then switch over to the next job without having to switch feeders around for the new progr
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 18 23:29:02 EDT 2019 | SMTA-David
Hi, I have an older Samsung pick and place (CP-40LV model). During last few runs I have experienced several feeders with the clear plastic tape cover not peeling back to expose the next part. I manually pull back the tape and it runs for a while and
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 01:11:20 EDT 2019 | relaycz
The few timeds this happened to me, it was taken care of by cleaning the feeder thoroughly. Be sure to check moving part for damage.
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 23 02:16:47 EDT 2019 | emanuel
Some manufacturers put very strong glue, the wider the part is so increases the glue strength. May sound funny but the only thing that worked was attaching a fishing weight to the tape, need to play a little until you find the correct size. The only
Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 09:25:09 EDT 2012 | tbouslog
Our company has recently changed the way our cage gives our SMT Department their parts to try to better control inventory. SMT now instead of recieving reels recieves strips with only 2-20 extra parts depending and the size/cost of the part. Does any
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 14:56:47 EDT 2020 | jmelson
Yup, it does. One is laying on it's side on the back feeder rail, pointing outward, in the first picture. The other is pointing upward behind the vibe feeder on the front feeder rail, in the 2nd picture. Thanks VERRRRRY much for ID'ing these parts
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 27 10:06:03 EST 2003 | binns
Just to set the record straight... Samsung did not build all Quad machines. QSA = Quad Samsung America, The QSA-30 machine platforms were manufactured by Samsung, utilizing Quad feeders, other Quad technology and Quad sales and service. Before the
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 03 06:34:40 EST 2018 | buckcho
Hello, we used to repair them fairly easy at my previous company. Many of ours had problems, because operators bad handling. If you have a problem with feeders not lighting up, you better try to switch the pcb from one feeder to another and to check