Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 15:23:04 EST 2005 | Csabee
I think the Samsung SM320 is quite good machine..But I suggest that must assembly feeder cover to the feeder trolleys, because without that the tape feeders are not safe for the heads. Feeders should broke the head. chip components wrong light sett
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 09:49:16 EDT 2007 | Manyhatz
You shouldn't have any problem with the SM320 doing what you're asking above. In fact I think it will do it quite better. We have a two machine TP-11 Hydra line and a two machine SM320 line and I can tell you one SM320 can get the job done better.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 07:09:15 EST 2022 | bukas
yeah that ok but, MARK5 or other MARK programs dont contain drivers for communication card, its called LANGO or something like that. if cleaning connectors and slots doesnt work try fresh install if you dont have HDD image. but first clean connectors
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 10:29:50 EDT 2007 | ccross
I am currently looking at new pick and place equipment and have come down to these two machines. I am interested on hearing from users of both, the pros and cons of their choice. I am a low volume high mix OEM upgrading from Quad QSX-1 and am interes
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 06:39:15 EST 2005 | rlackey
I know that you were very specific in your email about your choices, but have you not thought of adding a faster Mydata? You would negate the learning curve on operations & maintenance, have spare feeders, & be able to transfer programs over. Regard
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 15:01:28 EST 2006 | jsloot
I have a samsung CP40 that is taking an average of 2.5 minutes to load a step program. My CP50 takes about 30 seconds. Both machines are configured the same in regards to the computers, both the operating system and internal CPU for machine functions
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 16:10:42 EDT 2010 | martingruber
We are facing with the Samsung CP20-CV the following problem: wenn we run production the machine stops after the second pcb. No error or system message appears. The only way to go on is go back to the iddle modus, load the program again, go to the ru
Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 12:58:15 EDT 2013 | highmillr
We have 2-Samsung 431's followed by a 421 on our line..We run different revision boards with similar parts. Is there a way I can run one revision feeder set up.Then switch over to the next job without having to switch feeders around for the new progr
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 11:07:45 EDT 2007 | floydf
We had the mother board in a Samsung CP40 stop booting up. We have since fixed that (reseated the cpu). I tried putting a pc in place of the mother board. I loaded the program, and plugged the bus line that commuinicates to the machine in the pci slo
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 15:06:51 EDT 2022 | singert1980
Hello all! We are trying to program a new board on our machine, but keep getting an error of 'Board did not reach stopper'. The board is reaching the stopper, sensors are seeing the board, I'm lost as to what it could be. Loaded up a similar board a