Electronics Forum: samtec reflow (Page 1 of 2)

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 10:41:49 EST 2020 | robl

Hi Arnel, I've used these before but with a 0.005" stencil. The key issue here was that the pins are actually a solder preform at the base that melts into the board - sort of BGA like, so too much paste can cause issues. Samtec have some great app

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 11:39:51 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

Thanks Robl. I’ve contacted samtec followed their advice but ended up empty handed. Originally my stencil thickness is 6 mils, samtec stressed the need for the paste and charge to have good contact but this is challenged by the inherent charge non-co

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 10:48:07 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils

I've worked with these quite a bit in the past as well. As the previous poster mentioned, we ran either 4/5 mil thick stencil with a pretty standard RTS profile in a 10 zone convention oven without issue.

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 17:39:49 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

Hi, I need help on how to address the solder wicking on the samtec searay connector after reflow resulting to open solder joints on thick and thermal heavy PCB (4.4mm and 6.3mm). I increased my solder paste thickness to 8 mils, the connector is manua

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 12:10:22 EST 2020 | emeto

Avillaro, I don't have hands on experience with Vapor Phase equipment, but my guess is that it will work better for thick boards like yours. Trying another chemistry is a logical move. May be it is worth trying the fixture for connector flatness as n

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 17:22:16 EST 2020 | emeto

Avillaro, would you say that vapor phase process was selected, because the boards are so thick and heavy? I would assume so. Have you ever tried to run them through reflow oven? To understand better your challenge, we need to understand the setup be

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 10:31:55 EST 2020 | emeto

Having 10c thermal differential is a lot. Trying different paste might help - usually thermal expansion makes component detach from PCB, then joint is formed and solidified, then component goes back but is too late to form a joint. Cooling speed migh

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 11:53:44 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

Hi Phil, thanks. I am successful using the same connector on small thinner boards 2-2.5kg) i cant make it work, tried all kinds of profiles with vapour phase but to no avail. Yes you read it right 4.3-6.3mm pcb thickness and 2-2.5Kg. And it is 44 lay

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 11:18:51 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

Hi Evtimov, Thanks again! The solder wicking/open solder joint is not actually gross rejection, it is only a few and appeared random (difficult to trend the location of the opens), what is perflexing is that i have this 1 or 2 open solder joints sur

Samtec Searay 500 pin connector solder wicking issue after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 11:53:40 EST 2020 | avillaro2020

As far as the large thermal gradient I have on my thick and thermal heavy board, I've done quite a bit to minimize the gradient but not successful. it's like one pad is connected to a signal while the other pad is connected to ground, you can't bring

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