Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 10:41:49 EST 2020 | robl
Hi Arnel, I've used these before but with a 0.005" stencil. The key issue here was that the pins are actually a solder preform at the base that melts into the board - sort of BGA like, so too much paste can cause issues. Samtec have some great app
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 11:39:51 EST 2020 | avillaro2020
Thanks Robl. I’ve contacted samtec followed their advice but ended up empty handed. Originally my stencil thickness is 6 mils, samtec stressed the need for the paste and charge to have good contact but this is challenged by the inherent charge non-co
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 10:48:07 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils
I've worked with these quite a bit in the past as well. As the previous poster mentioned, we ran either 4/5 mil thick stencil with a pretty standard RTS profile in a 10 zone convention oven without issue.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 17:39:49 EST 2020 | avillaro2020
Hi, I need help on how to address the solder wicking on the samtec searay connector after reflow resulting to open solder joints on thick and thermal heavy PCB (4.4mm and 6.3mm). I increased my solder paste thickness to 8 mils, the connector is manua
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 12:10:22 EST 2020 | emeto
Avillaro, I don't have hands on experience with Vapor Phase equipment, but my guess is that it will work better for thick boards like yours. Trying another chemistry is a logical move. May be it is worth trying the fixture for connector flatness as n
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 17:22:16 EST 2020 | emeto
Avillaro, would you say that vapor phase process was selected, because the boards are so thick and heavy? I would assume so. Have you ever tried to run them through reflow oven? To understand better your challenge, we need to understand the setup be
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 10:31:55 EST 2020 | emeto
Having 10c thermal differential is a lot. Trying different paste might help - usually thermal expansion makes component detach from PCB, then joint is formed and solidified, then component goes back but is too late to form a joint. Cooling speed migh
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 14 11:53:44 EST 2020 | avillaro2020
Hi Phil, thanks. I am successful using the same connector on small thinner boards 2-2.5kg) i cant make it work, tried all kinds of profiles with vapour phase but to no avail. Yes you read it right 4.3-6.3mm pcb thickness and 2-2.5Kg. And it is 44 lay
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 11:18:51 EST 2020 | avillaro2020
Hi Evtimov, Thanks again! The solder wicking/open solder joint is not actually gross rejection, it is only a few and appeared random (difficult to trend the location of the opens), what is perflexing is that i have this 1 or 2 open solder joints sur
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 15 11:53:40 EST 2020 | avillaro2020
As far as the large thermal gradient I have on my thick and thermal heavy board, I've done quite a bit to minimize the gradient but not successful. it's like one pad is connected to a signal while the other pad is connected to ground, you can't bring