Electronics Forum: sanyo hsp 4796r (Page 1 of 4)


Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 10:25:36 EST 1999 | J. Coogan

Doug The 4796A and 4796R machines maintain maximum tact time within an XY table movement window of approximately 17mm. In addition, due to their ability to perform "on-the-fly" theta correction, they are also able to maintain top speed for a larger

CAD import tool for Sanyo TCM or Universal HSP

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 08 05:05:18 EST 2003 | wurzlseppl

I�m looking for a cad import tool for the Sanyo TCM 1100 or Universal HSP 4790/91/92. Does anyone have a tool, or how do you handle thze cad import? Thank you

Question on 4785 component database Universal chipshooter

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 08:27:13 EST 2001 | KR

I'm not positive, but I believe the 4785 library is not in an off the shelf database format. The software for the HSP4785's was written by Sanyo, and I think they used a proprietary database format. I do not know of anyone outside of Sanyo that can

201 Nozzle, HSP4796

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 20:38:07 EST 2001 | davef

So, what does John Rukavina at Sanyo [888-672-5353] say?


Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 17 12:47:23 EST 1998 | Mike

What is the CPH for Universal/Sanyo chip shooter? Spec. needed only. Thanks

PanaPRO and Sanyo TCM-V850 (HSP 4785) Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 13:20:03 EST 2006 | Kerwin Hooshey

Mr./Ms./Mrs. Cuculi, Are you offering this software for free?

Universal/Sanyo. Tape feeders

Electronics Forum | Sat May 20 03:02:16 EDT 2000 | Dane Stokes

I'm looking for information on anyone who specializes in the rebuilding or refurbishing of Sanyo feeders used on the Universal 4790-4791 model HSP machines. Please E-mail information to dstokes@ra.rockwell.com

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 10:24:51 EST 2003 | kauerr

Hey, go to http://www.uic.com it is the Universal Instruments website. Universal sells HSP 4796 machines. These are actually Sanyo TCM 3000 Machines. We have 4 of them, they are awesome machines. Hope this helps, Curt

PanaPRO and Sanyo TCM-V850 (HSP 4785) Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 11:07:24 EST 2006 | ratsalad

If anyone is interested, I've written a program to read the PanaPRO .pcb file and generate a Sanyo TCM-V850/UIC 4785 program. It sure beats entering the program manually.


Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 17 14:47:24 EST 1998 | Dave F

| What is the CPH for Universal/Sanyo chip shooter? Spec. needed only. Thanks | Mike: Universal�s High Speed Placement (HSP) machines are booked at: 4791 - 30k cph 4796 - 36k cph

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