Electronics Forum: sanyo sanyo 11 (Page 1 of 19)


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 09:47:06 EDT 2000 | Firestarter

Hello there I'm a student from austria and tried to find some technical information of Sanyo SMT machines. But I've been trying everywhere and in the end I've found this forum. I would be especially interrested in the TCM3600 , TCM3000 and the TIM500

Re: sanyo

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 12:59:09 EDT 2000 | Sean

You may want to try contacting the local sales representative for Sanyo, sometimes they will help students out with documentation requests. If you can track down the Sanyo website you could possibly get what you need there including local representa

Re: sanyo

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 15:35:46 EDT 2000 | Christopher Lysik

Universal Instruments sells the Sanyo chip shooter as the 4791 and 4796 chip shooter. If you go to www.uic.com you can get all sorts of info Universal is located in Binghamton N.Y. Universal has a office in the Chez Republic. They may also be able to

can somebody tell me the dimension of sanyo universal 4791USP

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 07 06:51:31 EDT 2017 | bichetoooo

Hello Dears, I need the dimension of sanyo universal 7691 usp. Can someone send me it? My e-mail is yovko_rakanov@abv.bg. Thank you all in advance and Best Regards. Yovko

Sanyo Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 22 09:20:48 EST 2000 | Chad Barnett

Looking for feedback on the Sanyo TIM-5100 and Sanyo TPM-100. We are currently using Universal GSM's and DEK 265 printer's, but are looking into the Sanyo line of equipment. Just wandering if anyone has comments on the equipment. Chad

Line Communication

Electronics Forum | Mon May 22 23:29:11 EDT 2006 | fordf1502004

I am currently using a sanyo V850 machine. We are haveing problems with the upline and downline communication from the sanyo to any other conveyor. The conveyors we have on hand all use smemma, and the sanyo has an adapter box that connects to the sm

Question on 4785 component database Universal chipshooter

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 08:27:13 EST 2001 | KR

I'm not positive, but I believe the 4785 library is not in an off the shelf database format. The software for the HSP4785's was written by Sanyo, and I think they used a proprietary database format. I do not know of anyone outside of Sanyo that can

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 11:19:59 EST 2003 | Pete C

FYI: Hitachi bought Sanyo Electric Go to this link: http://www.hitachi-hitec-hti.com/en/aboutus/smt.html BRAZIL Hitachi High-Technologies do Brazil Ltda. Tel:+55-11-3253-2511 Fax:+55-11-3251-2464

PanaPRO and Sanyo TCM-V850 (HSP 4785) Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 11:07:24 EST 2006 | ratsalad

If anyone is interested, I've written a program to read the PanaPRO .pcb file and generate a Sanyo TCM-V850/UIC 4785 program. It sure beats entering the program manually.

Sanyo equipment users

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 29 11:06:10 EDT 1998 | Dave Kalen

I am interested in forming a discussion group for users of the Sanyo equipment. Let me know about your experiences.

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