Electronics Forum: sanyo tdm 3000 (Page 1 of 3)


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 09:47:06 EDT 2000 | Firestarter

Hello there I'm a student from austria and tried to find some technical information of Sanyo SMT machines. But I've been trying everywhere and in the end I've found this forum. I would be especially interrested in the TCM3600 , TCM3000 and the TIM500

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 16:01:34 EST 2004 | vickt

To clarify.... Hitachi High Technologies purchased a small division of Sanyo Electric (Sanyo High Technologies).

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 10:24:51 EST 2003 | kauerr

Hey, go to http://www.uic.com it is the Universal Instruments website. Universal sells HSP 4796 machines. These are actually Sanyo TCM 3000 Machines. We have 4 of them, they are awesome machines. Hope this helps, Curt

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 11:19:59 EST 2003 | Pete C

FYI: Hitachi bought Sanyo Electric Go to this link: http://www.hitachi-hitec-hti.com/en/aboutus/smt.html BRAZIL Hitachi High-Technologies do Brazil Ltda. Tel:+55-11-3253-2511 Fax:+55-11-3251-2464

Sanyo TCM 3000 physical dimensions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 10:11:47 EST 2003 | R. L. Garzillo

Hi fellows, I believe that someone on this forum could help me. I would like to know where could I find technical informations about this equipment :Sanyo TCM 3000 . I would like to find on the internet the manufacturer site of it

TIM-1000 Capabilities

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 05 11:52:41 EST 2006 | csm

Can somebody let me know if Sanyo TIM-1000 pick and place can mount BGA's? and qty dots per hour of TDM-1000. I will apreciate your importants comments Regards.

Sanyo TIM-1100L Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 25 02:02:20 EDT 2008 | rfematt

I am looking for information on the feeders for a Sanyo TIM-1100L (feeders part number, where to buy, etc) Are they the same as Sanyo TCM3000/3500 feeders? I have been browsing but it doesn't seem to be a very popular machine. Regards, Rafael Fematt

tcm3000 miniature bearing servicing

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 11:22:47 EST 2003 | pjc

Why not ask Sanyo? Nissei Sangyo, Tel: 972-257-8100

Sanyo Users I need your info

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 03:06:37 EDT 2005 | xfuji

I'm not familiar with Sanyo machines.Is TCM1000 and TCM3000 feeders will be compatible to TCM1600 machines?Which one is better to use for TCM 1600 it will be use to place 1005 chips.. Thanks

Re: chip shooter

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 01:19:10 EDT 1999 | Wiratsr

Hi Jeff, I didn't have experience with Pansert MV2-E, but I have MV2-F. The machine running in high speed, but very noisy. I have other machine Sanyo TCM-3000 Same speed with MV2-F. Sanyo is original design turret system, a stable mounting machine,

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