Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 15:51:26 EST 2008 | jax
We have place CSP devices with 0.105mm standoff hights without any issue. The ability to Water Wash all depends on the specifications of your wash... Spray pressure and qty of jets Dwell time, pre-wash/wash/rinse Available detergents or saponifiers
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 16:19:54 EDT 2008 | jax
Depends on $$$ 1. Austin American 2. Stoelting 3. Technical Devices 4. Many more smaller companies. Many of the small machines are used with Saponifiers / Detergents. Not sure what your needs are but you should be able to find what you are looking f
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 13:34:55 EDT 2001 | bschreiber
Kevin, Hot DI water will leach ions form stainless steel over time � much like an acid effect on metal. If you have ever seen a Steam Age Chamber after about 6-months use, you will know what I mean. DI water is �hungry� for ions and it will take th
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 19:55:21 EDT 2003 | Mike Konrad
In all likelihood, you may not be leaving flux on the board rather you may be leaving saponifier on the board. Improper rinsing is a leading cause of cleaning related board failures. The problem with some inline cleaning systems (especially old o
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 17:06:11 EDT 2018 | stephendo
We recently got a batch wash machine that can use a chemical cleaner. (not a saponifier). NOW I feel confident cleaning no clean boards. Without a machine that can heat water and use a proper cleaning agent, I would not trust cleaning no clean boards
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 21:47:56 EDT 2009 | davef
In response to your question: 3 Saponifier / non saponifier 3a Saponifiers: * Aqueous Technologies: PCB-Wash http://www.aqueoustech.com * Kyzen: XJN http://www.kyzen.com * EnviroSense: Enviro Gold #816 http://www.envirosense-inc.com 3b Non-Sapo
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 20:08:37 EDT 2004 | Dreamsniper
Now the ball starts rolling. I'm lookin' for a new aqeous cleaner. Do I really need chemical cleaners or saponifiers, surfactant etc. for an Aqeous Cleaning Machine in removing OA or Water Soluble flux from under my 1.27mm Pitch BGA down to 1mm Pitch
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 14:33:28 EDT 2003 | joeherz
CAL, Thanks for the input. When I said chemistry I was refering to soldering chemistry and not cleaning. I believe this machine has the capability to incorporate a saponifier but would prefer not to run in this manner. Running a closed loop DI re
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 03:58:25 EDT 1999 | Brian
| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt
You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl