Electronics Forum: sc202 safety data (Page 1 of 3)

CP40CV No command response from handler, data to DPRAM failed

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 11:33:25 EST 2020 | ecogroup

Getting these errors: No command response from handler (0x1000) .... DpBlockWriteL: TimeOutWait for ACK .... Loading SYSTEM data to DPRAM is failed ..... Failed to create empty document ..... No command response from handler (0xffff) ..... Faile

Solder flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 09:15:44 EST 2019 | davef

Suppliers list the contents of their products in a MSDS. Libraries of these sheets are listed online. Look up the product you're using there. A safety data sheet, material safety data sheet, or product safety data sheet is a document that lists info

RoHS Compliant Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 11:42:44 EDT 2020 | stephendo

At the same time ask for the technical data sheet and the Safety Data Sheet. You don't know what other auditors you may have to deal with in the future. And someone should have all the SDS's in a binder for all the chemicals that you use.

Strange problem with Fuji IP1 stopping

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 13:27:53 EST 2006 | bvdb

Just before Christmas we bought a used Fuji IP1 cheap. It took us a while but it's been working great for about a month. Yesterday the IP1 stopped after completing a board but before exiting the board out the conveyer. No error message, no alarm be

Help CP40CV Contactors Not Engaged,Safety Relay K1 K2 not on?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 17 10:27:01 EST 2021 | ecogroup

Thanks for replying Bukas...few days prior we found out it was the conveyor IF board. Changed it, all the contactors now engage. But now have these errors: Opened [SYSTEM] file is created by #1 machine. No command resonse from handler. (0x1000)

DFM DFA software

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 10:43:43 EDT 2024 | bsziszi

Hi, I am looking for a software solution for DFM and DFA analysis and maybe panel and stencil preparation. HQDFM is free software and seems to be what I need. Still, since it needs internet connection to a PCB manufacturer (even my antivirus alerte

Manual Stencil Cleaning Solvent

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 16:02:58 EDT 2005 | pjc

If you don't have a machine, such as from these guys: http://www.pressureproducts.com/SPPC_Hm.htm http://www.smartsonic.com/index2.html http://www.aqueoustech.com/Ultrasonic_Series_Data.htm http://www.emcgti.com/products/product_list.php?cat=8&ca

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 06:46:35 EDT 2021 | bukas

there is no, error $0022 in technical reference. is the error you are getting a EMER level? if so there is probably a safety sensor or switch that is causing this error. $0021 is related to door switch so I would go from there. do you have technical

Urgent!! ... AI process after SMD Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 22:00:17 EDT 2005 | LeeHoMa

hi Stephen, Thank for your comment! Yes! My people also share the same view that customer is asking something which is in more theoretical side. They want us to collect a lot of statistical data to prove our process. Anyway, customer is not only

Boeing..or Boing!!?? .. OK who did this????

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 25 07:56:08 EST 2013 | pgarsoe

Reuters 6:13 a.m. CST, January 25, 2013 A device seen as key to explaining why a Boeing Co. 787 Dreamliner jet made an emergency landing in Japan last week is burnt and unlikely to provide safety inspectors with data they need, said a person with kn

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