Electronics Forum: screen printers inline processing (Page 1 of 22)

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 14:42:47 EDT 2004 | Kirk

so the first PCB if i want to aligned with stencil is manual the same for screen printer without vision and vision starts work for next boards? or i am wrong? but if i make mistake during aligment process for the first PCB i will repeat it for next P

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 06 06:41:11 EDT 2021 | ttheis

The DEK248 we had at one time was pretty compact but it did not have automated alignment- just a semi-manual camera/monitor stencil alignment process.

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 14:54:26 EDT 2004 | Kirk

reduction apertures in stencil and question how find center?. I thought that vision start playing important role at the beginning for the first PCB, help set precisely printing process. You gave tip to work without Mylar. Ok but again how you set ste

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:58:00 EDT 2004 | pjc

You should be able to get a one-print Mylar frame for the SMTech 90 machine from SigmaPrint, http://www.sigmaprint.co.uk Yes, with vision you store images of two features such as solder lands or fidicial marks from opposite corners of the board. With

Re: screen printer and stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 21:10:23 EDT 1999 | se

| | | Hi, | | | I'd like to ask some tips about the merits and shortcomings o | | | of both screen printer and stencil printer. For small quantity and highly mixed usage, which type of printer is suitable to our | | | application? | | | The board

Differences between screen and stencil printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 15:00:20 EST 2004 | glaucon

Simple differences. Both processes require a very similar machine platform, controlled motion, vision fiducial recognition and alignment of a substrate (PCB or hybrid ceramic) to the "image", the image being either a stencil (hence stencil printing)

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 15:28:13 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the installation of the Proflow Head: 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly metal stri

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 08:25:26 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the | installation of the Proflow Head: | 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal | strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly meta

What is a good budget screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 00:22:37 EDT 2008 | jmann30

Manncorp offers brand new high quality stencil printers that hold 29 x 29 frames and sell from $15,000 for batch machines and under $30,000 with inline conveyor. There is no reason you need to spend more then this as these printers have very high acc

What is a good budget screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 10:15:53 EDT 2008 | chrno522

I would like to spend around US $30K - $50K, I've got an offer for EKRA E1 inline Semi Auto for $35K USD but EKRA can't fit the 29" stencil frame. Is this EKRA any good? What is the best machine to buy for my budget? any suggestions is greatly apprec

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