Electronics Forum: sds sheet (Page 1 of 1)

REACH Requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 15:04:31 EST 2011 | cnotebaert

Thanks Dave, I had found this in the past, I was looking to see if someone had already developed a straight forward simple program that outlined what needed to be handed to the end customer (well my end customer). we are finding it very difficult to

Testing effect of non-clean flux residue on solder joints

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 EDT 2017 | davef

regarding dwl comment, "For low volume hand assembly, deionized water or IPA should work fine." Deionized water: Deionized water is corrosive. It needs to be removed. Proof? Drop a copper coin into a covered jar of DI water and watch what happens ov

RoHS Compliant Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 11:42:44 EDT 2020 | stephendo

At the same time ask for the technical data sheet and the Safety Data Sheet. You don't know what other auditors you may have to deal with in the future. And someone should have all the SDS's in a binder for all the chemicals that you use.


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