Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 10:57:34 EDT 2012 | kris1128
Has anyone heard whether the elevation of a plant can effect solder joint formation? One plant at sea level, one at 7,000 feet elevation... same equipment and profiles, big voiding defects at higher elevation. I did a search and found no similar post
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 13:58:00 EDT 2015 | markhoch
Randon question.... Are there factors I should be considering in assembling/manufacturing PCBs at 6700 ft above sea level? I searched the achrives and Google, I havent found much on the subject. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 15:15:33 EDT 2015 | dyoungquist
We are at 4800 ft above sea level and do nothing special because of the elevation. Good question.... I really don't know if going higher than we are creates any special conditions one needs to deal with.
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 01 21:01:26 EST 2009 | isd_jwendell
I'm at 6800 ft. The only issue I had was related to a PEM nut that was not packaged properly. There was a piece of K@pton tape that was not centered on the part and the tape would stick to the carrier. The vacuum on my machine would not allow me to
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 29 13:35:32 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi Back later on this tread, yet I did want to slightly correct one thing DaveyF wrote. Again only slightly. Even at 90C, moisture does start to leave the board. Now it doesn't do it so well as above 100C at sea level atmospheric pressure, yet it s
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 09:04:18 EST 2007 | Cal
For insurance purposes we verification... Here is a snippet from Glenbrooks website. From http://www.glenbrooktech.com Design Safety Standards The design safety standards pertaining to Industrial X-ray Inspection Systems can be found in "Code of
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 15:02:39 EDT 2006 | Fred
We are being pushed to use seaborne shipping containers as the method to receive PCB�s from fab houses in China. Time on the ocean will be several days to a few weeks depending on how slow the boat is. Does anyone have any suggestions on packaging
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 16:08:38 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea
| | | | | I am looking for anyone who has converted over to VOC Free flux. I need some info on any problems, etc. that you might have had. | | | | | | | | | | Please E-mail me at wes.ruggles@vickers-systems.com or call at (513) 494-5229 | | | | | |
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 16:45:32 EDT 2000 | Casimir Budzinski
It realy depends on what no-clean you use, I had on that would get under IC's and not get fully activated it was fine here in the states but when it was shipped over seas the salt air and humidity gave us fits, another we used didnt have that problem
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 10:46:10 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
| | | first of all what is the technical term for the small amount of solder on a plated pad. we are getting poor screen printing gasketing on a 20 mil qfp due to this solder not being even or too high in spots and not covering the length of the pads