Electronics Forum: sealer (Page 1 of 5)

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:08:29 EDT 2003 | davef

Our Amerivacs is not a "pliable rubber sealer".

Vacuum Sealer

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 10:18:15 EST 2003 | smsinc

Check out GPD(General Production Devices), they have a tabletop Nitrogen bagger/sealer. 1-800-pick-gpd.

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:03:19 EDT 2003 | jgregory

Thanks Dave, great info! I will be looking into your recommendations. Our AmeriVacs unit is lacking in the robust design department as far as I'm concerned. I don't like the pliable rubber sealers. They deform too much. Jason Gregory

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 08:47:33 EDT 2003 | davef

Welcome back Jason. We like AmeriVacs. Could your sealer be out of adjustment [or whipped]? For suggestions contact: Francois Monettet; Cogiscan Inc.; W: 450-534-2644; fmonette@cogiscan.com . Francois participates in this forum [he's probably jus

Carrier Tape Sealing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 21:03:41 EST 2023 | ebrenner

I know it is a shot in the dark, but is anyone aware of the existence of a portable carrier tape sealer?

Vacuum Sealer

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 14:31:19 EST 2003 | Stephen

We use a Mighty Mutt machine. Not 100% sure of spelling. It works well for us. It has a metal vaccuum tube and heated metal wires, and is grounded. I used to work for a company that used a sandwich bag sealer. That was not good at all. If you buy

Vacuum sealing of MSD components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 14:10:38 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf

One of our aerospace customers "suggested" we vacuum seal MSD components. We bought a vacuum sealer and we are deciding whether or not to vacuum seal ALL MSD parts or just aerospace. Our current method consist of desiccant, a humidity card and a bag

Cover tape tearing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 07:15:22 EST 2005 | stefwitt

After re-reading your posting, Liza, I�m doing yet another correction to my reply. Are you using the same taping machine for all your components or could you narrow it down to one taping machine? Is it a fully automated taping process or more likely

Vacuum Sealer

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 10:03:30 EST 2003 | ksfacinelli

What are people using for re-vacuum sealing of opened parts. The parts of coarse would be baked out prior to sealing. The system should be ESD compliant. Need some help, Kevin

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:27:56 EDT 2003 | jgregory

What I meant is the gray rubber seals, top and bottom, that are pliable to allow the SS nozzle to slip back out and still provide sealing, deform too much and "squish" out to the sides. Jason

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