Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 11:38:34 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222
I got this error message on the fuji IP3: " Servo limit over. Servo Z1 Axis +" I was wondering how to fix this error. Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 07:43:24 EDT 2016 | claudea2
We have been having a recurring error on one of our Quad 4Cs. When it picks up the first of 8 47uF SMT capacitor it stops with a limit error. If we do 2 consecutive function 30s, the problem goes away until the next board. The first function 30 re
Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 07:38:42 EDT 2004 | Bob L.
I'm trying to help one of our remote sites solve a problem with a warped PBGA. The corners are lifted, creating columnar joints and the central balls are sometimes shorting. I've verified that it's not popcorning and I've got samples going to the l
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 08:33:59 EST 2002 | fmonette
The joint IPC/JEDEC standard currently specifies a limit of one bake cycle, regardless of the temprature or duration. In the proposed revision this will be replaced by a maximum cumulative duration of 48 hours at 125C. The reason identified for thi
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 15:02:16 EST 2000 | John Thorup
Second the motion for the Stevens Products covers. They call them Gold Fingers Gloves and they are a pull-truded fibreglass product that comes in sticks. You hacksaw them to the length needed. We have many that have been through the wave thousands o
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 10:41:57 EDT 2005 | GS
I am not an expert but just for my understanding: - solder paste used ? NC ? other ? - reflow in Air or N2 ? - temp ramp up before soack (�C/second) ? Tnks GS
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 16:54:38 EDT 2010 | stepheniii
J-STD-033B.1 Says "For cavity packages in which water may be entrpped, water clean processes after first reflow can be an additional source of moisture. This may present an additional risk, which should be evaluated." And it talks about derating if
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 10:51:32 EDT 2005 | mattkehoe
Thanks for the replies, - solder paste used ? NC ? other ? Water soluble 63/37 paste - reflow in Air or N2 ? Infrared - temp ramp up before soack (�C/second) ? Will have to check. This profile has been used on numerous gold plated boards in our
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 10:52:35 EDT 2014 | swag
Can't help you with the manual but do have some tips: If it was shipped, it's possible someone tied axis or blocked stuff for shipping. Look for that. Look for bent sensor flags + go into I/O and check to see all sensors you can find are working.
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 18 22:41:54 EDT 2014 | pfifla1
Can't help you with the manual but do have some > tips: If it was shipped, it's possible someone > tied axis or blocked stuff for shipping. Look > for that. Look for bent sensor flags + go into > I/O and check to see all sensors you can find a