Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 08:45:25 EDT 2011 | edmaya33
check your reflow chain. it maybe vibrating causing DPAK to fall at second reflow.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 07:35:03 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils
If all else fails, you can always chipbond the part. Would it be possible to run this side as the second reflow?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 16:40:30 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee
During the second reflow, the solder remelts and resolidifies. In general, the reflow temperature is not high enough to erase the microstructure developed during the first reflow. As a result, the net effect of a second reflow typically is grain coar
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 22:53:53 EST 2009 | davef
Which components are falling off during the second reflow?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 01:40:05 EST 2020 | sarason
Traditionally these connectors are riveted to the board on higher volume telecommunication applications. sarason
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 25 10:20:00 EDT 2024 | pawantanwar
Reflow bottom side first, reduce heat slightly for second reflow.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 04:08:51 EST 2020 | majdi4
we have a problem : The connector is falling down in the second reflow. This connector is mounted in the first side. You can find attached the reflow profil we work with and a photo of the connector. We tryed with under_film but the connector is sti
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 12:46:29 EDT 2024 | klauss
I need to reflow a two-sided PCB with SAC 305 solder. The bottom side has a BGA128, QFN32, and some small USON packaged components, while the top side has larger components like a QFP100, SOIC20, connectors, and DPAKs. I'm unsure which side to reflow
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 10:11:05 EST 2020 | emeto
Would you consider a light reflow pallet on second side holding the connetors in place and preventing them from moving?
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 10:17:15 EST 2020 | emeto
Would you consider a light reflow pallet on second side holding the connectors in place and preventing them from moving?