Electronics Forum: seho mws 2340 (Page 1 of 1)

Wave replacement : Ersa, Seho, Electrovert or other

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 03:56:36 EDT 2018 | ced

Hello, I work on the replacement on our old waves. The objective is to replace 6622C waves by full tunnel N2 waves, for the benchmark, I have selected 3 manufacturers : Ersa, Seho and Electrovert. What are your experiences with these manufacturers

Wavesoldering Defect

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 02:12:16 EDT 2004 | Adam

Rob The machine is SEHO MWS8240, Fitted with a foam fluxer, a combination of IR,Quartz and Convection preheaters together with a chip and delta wave. Adam


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