Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 03:31:42 EDT 2018 | minhhaioh34
Hi all, I need some pro help me with issue bubbles after coating. some information for some pro: Machine: Asymtek Chemical: Achime AVR80 Oven: IA 4 zoon4 ( setting 100 100 90 80 conveyor speed: 0.6 m/min). I had happened before and after the oven. W
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 18:01:47 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| | | We have experienced poor adhesion of acrylic conformal coating to plastic bodied IC�s. The observed symptoms of this are a blistering or lifting of the coating at the surface of the component, although peel testing has revealed that this is no
Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 16:36:27 EDT 2023 | tey422
From my previous experience with silicone, it tend to be need to spray with thick coating(s) and it's more watery. The boots doesn't work too well in those cases. Just a note, now I am no longer working with silicone. For conformal coating, best m
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 18:05:40 EDT 1998 | Roxanne Picou
| Looking for Cleaning solvent to claen missprinted PCB, that will be good for paste (CS) and glue (PS). | One that is easy to evaporate with out leaving | white powder around component leads on CS (when cleaning PS) Solder paste cleaning can be acc
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 13:24:30 EDT 2011 | tombstonesmt
Peelable masking has been our solution here recently. We an automovite customer that requires coating on both sides of the boards with many keep out areas. We are currently building a dispense robot that will apply tech spray wondermask 2218. The won
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 09:58:05 EDT 2011 | davef
Pressure printing systems Conventional stencil printing techniques have fundamental limitations as regards paste handling: The volume of paste available for printing is limited, so frequent replenishment is necessary Paste is difficult to c
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 13:39:08 EST 2009 | grics
Good morning Jamie. I work at a CM and can offer some input on process flexability. I do not have any data on how reliable the coating is but I can say that they are both very difficult to control. Will you be selective coating or full coating? Ho
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 11:12:06 EST 2009 | davef
Conformal coating masking: Electronic equipment manufacturer's use conformal coating processes to protect printed circuit modules from moisture, fumes, rapid temperature changes and other environmental conditions. Typically, pressure sensitive tapes
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 18:03:30 EDT 2005 | davef
Key Issue: Will this machine solder your boards? You never know until you solder one. Any other avenues of analysis involve substantial risk. Flux Selection * High or low solids * VOC or VOC-free Solder Alloy * If using lead-free, avoid stainles
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 17:17:55 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You should select and use low residue tapes. But ya know, ya go out and research a great tape and if yer not careful, the buyer will second source ya and (surprise) ya got residues again. We have found that Lemme say this about Katon tape