Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 10:55:21 EDT 2017 | tombstonesmt
This has already been done. Companies like Seho Selective Solder machines can provide this service. I imagine it is not cheap. I'd be curious to compare the drop rate of parts per person per hour on a couple of Pillarhouse Jades vs on custom machine.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 17:51:26 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin
It appears a disgruntled employee has sabatoged my Sapphire solective solder. Along with cut ribbon cables, I think some jumpers were removed from the system board. D.O.M: '98. I was hoping that some nice person could take a picture of the system b
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 15:43:04 EDT 2023 | previnmoore
ok that works for me
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 10:19:30 EDT 2023 | previnmoore
Hello, The selective solder has went to the end and gotten stuck trying to figure out why?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 15:01:47 EDT 2023 | previnmoore
sorry for the response taking so long, got wrapped up with another machine. It is the X axis.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 15:32:22 EDT 2023 | proceng1
Sir, I asked 3 or 4 questions. If it's easier, you can email me.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 12:00:52 EDT 2023 | previnmoore
Its the kiss 103 selective solder machine. The end of the travel, it's the x axis. when i tried jogging it nothing happens just makes a noise. Thanks for responding.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 11:27:58 EDT 2023 | proceng1
We need more info. What kind of machine? What do you mean by "went to the end"? Like the end of the travel? Which axis? Is there an error on the screen? What happens when you try jogging it? Maybe post a couple photos?
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