Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 04 13:27:31 EDT 2021 | dilogic
We are looking for new entry-level selective soldering machine. I would appreciate if you can share experience with the equipment you have, as there are many machines on the market and it's a though choice. We will use it for lead-free soldering and
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 08:14:20 EDT 2007 | davef
Silver palladium termination * AgPd-terminated capacitors are designed for conductive adhesion. Reflow or wave soldering is not recommended. [EPCOS Multilayer ceramic capacitors, Soldering directions, October 2006] * CONDUCTIVE EPOXY BONDING. Epoxy c
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 12:10:47 EDT 2022 | winston_one
Hello! We have a strange effect. Some pads of big trough-hole DDR slot just dessapear. Initialy it was soldered with selective soldering process (leaded, 290 degrees, ImSn finish, very short storage). Then some connectors with poor barrel fill we hav
Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 11:49:20 EDT 2002 | Jacob
Hello all, I am having soldering issues with an Everlight component it is a TM4201/TR2 (Right angle IRDA with a 1mm pitch). The problem I have is that after reflow the solder joints look perfect, but during test we are losing 7 micro amps as soon as
Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 16:14:41 EDT 2002 | russ
Would the lead finish on this part happen to be Paladium? I had a problem similar to this some time ago and we found the lead finish was not tin/lead over copper but paladium over nickel. We had to increase the reflow to 225 deg. C peak temp with t
Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 17:16:16 EDT 2002 | davef
Russ makes a good point. While your profile probably meets your paste supplier recommendations, it may not be proper for the component. * Paste suppliers offer general recommendations for tin / lead interconnects. You need to modify that for board
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 13:31:09 EST 2012 | kenkay
We had a similar issue and it was fixed by trimming the connector so there was barely enough lead protrusion through the board to show a discernible lead. We had to get a special plate and small machine to cut the connectors, but we haven’t had a bri
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 11:59:00 EST 2012 | sarason
The issue is surface tension around the connector. Your tip needs to have more surface tension than the pins of the connector as it forms a cluster when being soldered. When I used to solder superfine connectors with a metcal iron it had a horses hoa
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 18:37:59 EDT 2008 | aqueous
We manufacture both bulk and localized ionic contamination testers. My answer is from the perspective of the cleanliness testing method. The issue with all bulk ionic contamination testers (Ionagraph, Omegameter, Zero-Ion), is that they test the en
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 12:54:53 EDT 2017 | guts1872
We are having issues with top fill and dropping pins on Molex connectors with our KISS 101. Unfortunately we do not have a pre heater and bottom side pre heat with our nozzles is not satisfactory. Most of the issues occur when using a no clean proces