Electronics Forum: selective soldering nozzles (Page 1 of 192)

Screens in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 11:11:13 EDT 2009 | bruna

Hello, I want to hear some experience about selective soldering for PCB using nozzle plate and screens Do you have solder defects? bridges and insufficient soldering? How do you combat that? and about the screens you have good quality? What is the f

lead free selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 09:43:55 EST 2005 | lupo

Check flux penetration and type of flux. How much is solid contents. The solder filling is better under Nitrogen. Check the time (speed) of the nozzle whether is correct. Usually For SAC305 the temperature of bath is 320C/degrees, but only for sel

lead free selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 11:14:45 EST 2005 | Doug

I am doing lead free testing on a Vitronics selective machine with a 4 mm nozzle. The finishes I am testing are ENIG, ImSn, and ImAg. The problem I am encountering is achieving good top side wetting. Has anyone had any luck with this type of an ap

Entry level selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 16:15:54 EDT 2021 | bobpan

We have an Ersa and an Ace machine. The Ersa is made for bigger volumes of boards. Programming is longer/harder and not as user friendly. If your running 100 boards or less.....the Ace is the way to go. If you need flexibility the Ace is better.

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 10:32:38 EST 2013 | beej

I was wondering if any of you fine folks had a trick to changing out nozzles for a Pillerhouse Jade Handex. The tool they gave us when we purchased the machine is inadequate at best. I have tried heating the nozzle up, to no avail. Just wondering if

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 14:19:33 EST 2013 | uksolder

Beej, The tool supplied works well as long as the bath is up to temp and the nozzle tip was not cross threaded when fitted. Did you apply a small amount of the anti seize paste before the nozzle tip was fitted? I have seen dry tight threads if not ap

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 14:31:35 EST 2013 | tombstonesmt

Thank you guys. I will check this stuff out. It > quite possibly could be something we have done > wrong. Thanks again for the feedback Add anti seize to the threads. We do this to all of our nozzles when we first "tin" them with Active8. We usua

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 11:25:07 EST 2013 | dontfeedphils

That's weird, I've never had any problems using the tool while the pot is up to temp. Over-tightened? They don't need to be tightened too much when putting them in.

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 11:28:11 EST 2013 | beej

I have had a couple like this. It almost seems like they are not threaded correctly. I had to mangle the last one just to get it off.

Problems getting selective nozzles off

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 04 07:28:46 EST 2013 | beej

Thank you guys. I will check this stuff out. It quite possibly could be something we have done wrong. Thanks again for the feedback

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