Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 13:18:51 EST 2000 | Tom Ravener
It will be interesting to hear from customers (users) "Brokers" and "Rebuilder/Sellers" alike. Feedback please and no spams.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:31:56 EDT 2006 | stepheniii
Vitronics Soltec isn't all that is on the seller's block.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 23 10:15:10 EDT 2011 | bwjm
I am thinkingof purchasing a juke 740. The seller told me that the machine is capable of mounting down to 0402 and 0.5mm ic pitch, but I search the net I realize that it is able to mount 01005 and ic pitch 0.3mm. So is my machine seller's information
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 17:32:23 EDT 2001 | davef
JD I agree with everything that you said. Good pledge!!! Let me try to be clearer. I appreciate that no one wants to start or participate in a �negative selling battle�, where they are forced to say negative things about their competitors� produc
Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 19:32:21 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy
Cnuli Jia: Thanks for the nicely spoken message. We will check the new mart out shortly. Most of us enjoy reading the technical writings and will input advise or suggestions from time to time. Thanks Wayne
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 07:12:12 EDT 2003 | iman
actually, component sellers will have their own respective catalogue with all the available sizes used in their industrial business. Try your local "Rohm/Murata" sales-rep. for starters in the realm of chip components.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 13:06:57 EDT 2004 | adrnbntz
Recently was bought a MPM Ultraprint 2000 and need to buy the wiper paper so any one have a recomended type or seller. ? thx.
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 20 13:55:28 EST 2005 | Mark
As far as I know, the only thing Manncorp does is put "Manncorp" stickers on the equipment and re-sells it. They are a re-seller/distributor of equipment.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 15 15:21:10 EDT 2005 | pjc
Try posting your request in the Equipment Mart section, that's where buyers and sellers post. This is the technical forum, not the sales forum.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 13:56:32 EDT 2005 | jasont
When I was in China for Nepcon Shenzhen (August 2005) I was told the XP 242E's are going as low as $140k USD. Not sure if for real or just a ploy (we are a re-seller). Could also be a regional thing (competition for market share in China).