Electronics Forum: send proper data to cp642 (Page 1 of 1)

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 19:12:41 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

Hello all ! FUJI IP3 starts up, makes zero setting OK But if I start AUTO mode, it gives error -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 11082010 UsedBy MTU3,MTU4,MTU5 Display Usable Proper Data has

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 21:42:19 EDT 2023 | jdengler

The MTU has it's own proper data file. You need to send that to the MTU.

Philips CSM66.xls to create BRD & FDR files easier

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 15:08:48 EDT 2007 | jmelson

I did things using a language I am more familiar with, and it allows me to set up a list of components, feeder locations, pick-up orientations, proper head to use, etc. My problem is I haven't gotten fully reliable communications when downloading th


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