Electronics Forum: sequencer tape (Page 1 of 3)

Sequenced tape and reel

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 13:55:36 EDT 2000 | Rob Cass

Sequenced tape and reel I have talked with several companies, regarding sequence taping and reeling of axial components. However, non-are capable of SEQUENCING tape and reels for axial insertion. Please let me know of any companies that SEQUENCE.

Re: Sequenced tape and reel

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 18:51:35 EDT 2000 | Doug Philbrick

Rob We could do that for you as well as provide you with a ready to run insertion program for your Universal Axial inserter that will of course match your sequences. You can call me at 770 965-3300. I will be out in the morning on the 28th but will

Re: Gripper ,Eyelet ,Pin ,Sequencer Bandoliery tape ,Please Help !!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 20:11:28 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Dear Sirs, | Please i need to know some contact fone numbers and faxes and contact persons to the following issues : | 1. gripper pin for PCB assembly | 2. Eyelets for PCB assembly | 3. Pin connectors for PCB assembly | 4. Sequebcer Bandoliery

Re: Gripper ,Eyelet ,Pin ,Sequencer Bandoliery tape ,Please Help !!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 20:10:47 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Dear Sirs, | Please i need to know some contact fone numbers and faxes and contact persons to the following issues : | 1. gripper pin for PCB assembly | 2. Eyelets for PCB assembly | 3. Pin connectors for PCB assembly | 4. Sequebcer Bandoliery

Re: Gripper ,Eyelet ,Pin ,Sequencer Bandoliery tape ,Please Help !!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 22:26:14 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| | Dear Sirs, | | Please i need to know some contact fone numbers and faxes and contact persons to the following issues : | | 1. gripper pin for PCB assembly | | 2. Eyelets for PCB assembly | | 3. Pin connectors for PCB assembly | | 4. Sequebcer

Gripper ,Eyelet ,Pin ,Sequencer Bandoliery tape ,Please Help !!!!

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 06:13:02 EDT 1998 | Amr Sokkary

Dear Sirs, Please i need to know some contact fone numbers and faxes and contact persons to the following issues : 1. gripper pin for PCB assembly 2. Eyelets for PCB assembly 3. Pin connectors for PCB assembly 4. Sequebcer Bandoliery tape for axi

Axial Resistors in ammo tape, any machine out there to cut different lengths of tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 23:25:10 EST 2022 | stephendo

You might want to look at a sequencer. It would be over kill but might work for you. If you trust the people to use the right resisters in the right places you could even program the entire kit of resisters. You would still have to cut to separate ea

Re: Sequencer Adhesive Tapes ( Please Help )

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 09:34:07 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| dear smtforum guys, | Please i need help ASAP in knowing some contacts to some companies which produce Through Hole Sequncer ADHESIVE TAPES ,pls drop me some names ,emails and telephones. | thank you all | Mohamed Ragai Mohamed: 3M makes sequencin

Sequencer Axial Machines Adhesive Tape

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 22 17:00:45 EDT 1998 | Mohamed Ragai

Dear Sirs, If any one involved in THT ,Please advise with a company info and tel/fax which produce 6mm adhesive tape for sequencer axial machines. thanks all Mohamed Ragai

Sequencer Adhesive Tapes ( Please Help )

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 14 11:27:04 EDT 1998 | Mohamed Ragai

dear smtforum guys, Please i need help ASAP in knowing some contacts to some companies which produce Through Hole Sequncer ADHESIVE TAPES ,pls drop me some names ,emails and telephones. thank you all Mohamed Ragai

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