Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 14:57:57 EDT 2004 | Steve
I have some servo driver boards that intermittantly fail and would like some information on getting them repaired. Do any of the members know of a 3rd party repair facility that can repair/exchange these boards? As not having a schematic for these so
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 16:35:16 EST 2017 | siltron
Hi everyone, We bought a used Juki KE a few months ago. Installed it at the beginning of this year, but have some problems with the Z and ROT servos. As soon as the machine is powered on, the ALM04 red led turns on on some of the Z and ROT drivers.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 05:44:40 EST 2019 | bukas
are you sure #1 and #6 are interchangeable? if I remember correctly there is a catch with those motors, like there are 2 groups, group 1 being #1 #3 #5 and group 2 being #2 #4 and #6. maybe try getting it back and swapping cables at drivers for head
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 15:44:51 EDT 2019 | valentink
I will try outline Theta and Z-axis servo issues, we were facing last time. Story behind. Our 750 is used seldom and last time after switching it on initialization procedure ends with T axis of right head: Servo alarm. Opening front cover of 750 two
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 04:03:34 EST 2019 | alexcouto
Hello guys, I am not very familiar with samsung cp 45 neo machines, however, I am trying to repair a head that from what I was told was always disabled. I activated head # 6 and there was no movement in the first phase, I thought it might be the fail
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 27 10:22:15 EDT 1999 | a.blair
Fuji is usually the cheapest you will find. I think around $750 for them to repair it. the last time I checked they have an exclusive patent on their PCB backplane design so there would not be any real way to bench test it. they also have rights to t
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 23:01:37 EDT 2000 | Dean
Does Fuji America have a trade in program? I know they used to on vision cards and such. It may be worth your while to get a trade in allowance rather than none at all. The alternative, as you mentioned, is to repair it yourself. This however, w
Electronics Forum | Thu May 16 08:58:23 EDT 2019 | tsvetan
You are lucky, out of 4 machines we have 2 failed withing first year. One has Panasonic X-axe servo driver burned. The other machine has the ASIC board burned. Nothing that can't be repaired, but still annoying as we had to wait 1 month for replaceme
Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 20:25:26 EDT 2009 | voytek
I had to replace two Y-axis servo amplifiers on our GSM1 machine. I'm sitting on two faulty servos that I would like to have repaired. Let me know if you now place which specializes in repair of Servo Amplifiers Mod. No. 800-444 by Copley Controls.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 11:32:08 EDT 2016 | mnorthey
Did you get your problem solved? I don't remember exactly what I did for that problem but it may have involved changing a servo or driver card. I do have a copy of the calibration/repair manual if you want it. I also have some Nozzles NC-1410 (1.0