Electronics Forum: set line speed (Page 1 of 139)

Quadalign set up

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 17:00:03 EDT 2009 | dogsbody

would any body be able to supply me with infomation on how to adjust a quadalign unit,as a unit on my line will not pick up 0603 resistors,but will pick up thicker 0603 caps. My manuals offer no help.I have run the aligner calibration with the cone t

Re: Flux sprayer set up

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 22:31:47 EST 1999 | Vincent Chen

Hi!Charlie, 1.Are you retrofitting your spray fluxer in your wave soldering machine? If you are, please ensure that you have a air knife just before the preheater!Fluxe fumes tends to accumulate and that could be dangerous if your air exhaust is not

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 14:51:24 EDT 2013 | rway

So what AOI system are you using and what auto-insertion equipment is on the line?

BTU VIP speed configuration

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 13:06:54 EDT 2021 | richardcargill

Can anyone shed any light on the Speed configuration setting on a BTU VIP70? We're using Winconv2.4a if that matters. There are only 3 editable fields in the configurator, Pulses per unit - Power - Distance. I'm struggling to find out what constitu

Universal GSM Placement speed

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 09:57:08 EDT 2019 | dilogic

Yes, you can. However, if you go above designed, limits you might either break something or it won't operate as you expect. There are settings for each servo loop on the machine and you can play with acceleration, speeds etc. Not sure that it's smart

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 10:19:01 EDT 2013 | rway

We have inline reworkers, so this time has been factored in. We currently use Siemens S25/20 machines with M1 systems. The placement machines run a little slower than the AOI at times so there is time to perform review, most of the time. It's not

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 18:32:18 EDT 2013 | rway

Hello all, I was wondering who out there has an F1 or F1-5 system used at post-paste. If so, what type of auto-insertion equipment are you using on that line and what is the cph placement capability. Does your F1 system keep up with the cycle time

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 12:58:13 EDT 2013 | rway

The review time varies depending on the product. But it could take anywhere from 10s to over a minute depending. That doesn't leave much time left on this new line. What AOI are you using now and with what equipment?

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 14:54:41 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

I suppose I worded that poorly, we run a B2 bench-top unit later on in the process (QA area to be exact) so it isn't in line with anything and doesn't have to keep up with anything feeding it upstream. And we run Juki equipment.

SMT p&p new line

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 12:25:47 EDT 2006 | Rob.

Hi Fabione, I'm not being funny, but how did you come up with that choice of machines? There is no way that these set ups are equal in speed or accuracy in the real world. I think you should go back to the drawing board & start again, and depending

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