Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 17:39:07 EST 2003 | pdeuel
Dose the tolerances for the cutting blade and anvil on a HSP-4792 allow for sharpening. Replacement blades are over 2k$ and Universal tells me that tolerances wont allow sharpening. Can a percision sharpening shop be reccomended. Thanks in advance fo
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 07:02:24 EDT 2014 | cbeneat
we also use the FKN Systek K3000, we have 4 of these and two of the motorized K4000's both are easy to use and reliable. FKN also has a blade sharpening service.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 22:28:27 EDT 2005 | KEN
I have never heard of heating boards prior to v-score. Have you established any trends on component orientation and cracking? What is your v-score thickness range? Do you have your blades regularly sharpened? Have you measured your blade alignment?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 18:26:20 EDT 2001 | davef
Groovy!!! [Sorry, I always wanted to say that.] As background, look at: * SMTnet Archives * "Pocket Guide to Excellent V-Scoring" and "Scoring FAQ's" [http://www.accusystemscorp.com] they cover all of the dimensions and give a short summary on the
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 14:51:08 EST 2000 | Bill Petlock
Casimir, The Q and other lead trimmers work extremely well if properly used. Blade life is directly proportional to to the height of the cut. There are a few factors that are very important in trimming. You are working with a solid carbide blade whi
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 09:06:00 EDT 2016 | davef
We used to use those, back in the bad old times. basically, it's a router with a blade on it that is used to trim the leads of PTH components that are mounted on boards. Nasty process. Difficult to control. Messy, firing cut leads all over the plac
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 25 17:21:17 EST 1998 | Michael Allen
A word of caution: thick webs (i.e., shallow score grooves) can result in scrapped boards, especially if you've got the dual-wheel-type score breaking machine. I discovered recently that shallow score grooves, combined with DULL knife-edge guides on
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